Mists of the Fallen Spell in Adventures in Valerick TTRPG | World Anvil

Mists of the Fallen

A cloud of amethyst haze that chokes the living, and destroys the restless undying. It is a true work of skill and art, one of the more advanced works of entropomancy, a true complex spell-form requiring a truly advanced understanding of the conceptualization and behaviors of Entropy.


Basic Effects: A black-purple mist bubbles up from the ground as you manipulate the bits of Entropy all around you and the area around you, drawing them in and concentrating the manna of Lobhadh enough until it manifests as this thick, heavy, cloud of haze like fog.

This cloud obviously acts as cover and or concealment, it is a visual obstruction.This cloud effects the living and the restless dead/constructs/nightmares very very differently. The cloud lasts for the duration, unless dispersed by high winds. The haze may move 10 feet in a direction of your choice on your turn, seeming driven by some unseen exerting of a being's will, your own.

The Living: If a living creature enters the cloud of haze, or starts its turn there, it must make a Toughness Defensive Test. If failed, it takes 5d8 Necrotic damage and becomes Frightened. If successful, the creature is not Frightened and only takes half damage. If this damage takes a living creature's wounds to zero, that creature makes an immediate single death save. If they fail, they are dead.

Constructs/Restless Dead/Nightmares: Against these sorts of non-living targets, this spell form reacts very differently indeed. These sorts of targets, when they enter the haze or start their turns within it, must also make a Toughness Defensive Test. If failed, they immediately go Braserk, attacking the nearest creature's to them, unable to be controlled or commanded any longer, whilst also taking 5d8 Force. Taking damage from this cloud does not at any point break an affected creature free of being Braserk. If they succeed the save, they take half damage but do not go Braserk.

Side/Secondary Effects

Tier II Effects: Increase cloud radius to 30 feet, increase damage by 1d8, and increase the possible duration by 1 minute

Tier III Effects: Increase cloud radius to 40 feet, increase damage by 1d8, and increase the possible duration by 1 minute.


As the rotfiends rushed the bridge, Kayleen called out to her lover, the emerald magister hoping this was not to be their end, even as their companions Rolfe and Henri moved forward to hold the natural bridge over the ravine. "Shayliss, my love, I understand Lobhadh takes time, but time is not something we have a great deal of!!!!"

Shayliss did not respond immediately, her focus clear, eyes at the widest point of the stone archway that acted as a bridge between both sides of the massive cavern. Upon the other side from the party, as Henri leveled his rifle and began shooting, a purple haze began to filter up, engulfing the horde of undead, which within mere moments, began tearing each other apart. Shayliss sighed with relief, and called out a response. "Ye of little faith, darling. Now its your turn, tie them up proper like with those lovely vines of yours." She called out to the elven druid, and following up. "Rolfe if your goddess wants to help, now is the time. That cloud won't last forever, so call down the flares of Mistress Falconhand if you can! I'd rather not have to fight these sorts up close."
Gestures & Ritual
Casting TN: 18, Tier II: 23, Tier III: 28
Related Discipline
Amethyst Order
Related School
Related Element
Lobhadh (Entropy)
Effect Duration
Maintained up to 1 minute
Effect Casting Time
2 actions
300 feet
Applied Restriction
Target: A 20 foot radius cloud centered upon a point you can see in range.


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