Mandate Reality

Breaking the most base laws of the universe is a crime beyond measure, and as one of the Divine Judge's most holy and appointed of trust, I will not abide it. With his divine writ, I cast out this strangeness, these alteration of reality, I see them undone under his watchful eye. Bless the power and allow me to wield it, I implore you Deat-Kra. Allow me to be an instrument of your enforcement.

Litany of Realism


Basic Effects: This prayer represents something rather interesting about the faithful of Deat-Kra, which is their dominion over the arts of Arcanis. They are one of only 3 faiths whom have divine scriptures they can call upon dedicated for countering or dispelling or even outright denying the Arts of Arcanis.

Upon calling on this prayer, any active or maintained arcane effects of Tier I in the target area are immediately undone, immediately dispelled. Any Tier 1 magick item has its effects supressed until such a time as it has been removed from that area. Any Tier 2 or higher magick item or active or maintained arcane effect must make a Persona Defensive Test, using its wielder or caster's Persona for the test. Should they fail, they to are supressed/dispelled as appropriate. Should they succeed, they are unaffected.

Side/Secondary Effects

Tier II Effects: Any Tier II active or maintained arcane effects are now immediately dispelled, and any Tier 2 or weaker magick item has its effects surpressed until such a time as it has been removed from that area.

Tier III Effects: Any Tier III active or maintained arcane effects are now immediately dispelled, and any Tier 3 or weaker magick item has its effects surpressed until such a time as it has been removed from that area.


You feel the gift of Deat-Kra flow through you, the gift of Divine Writ, to enforce the fundamental laws of reality, to dictate these fundamentals upon a target, to force reality back into line. Speaking the prayer, the Litany, you feel that energy, that divine writ manifest itself, undoing that which does not belong.
Gestures & Ritual
Prayer TN: 21, Tier II: 26, Tier III: 31
Related Discipline
Prayer (Deat-Kra)
Effect Duration
Effect Casting Time
2 actions
150 feet
Applied Restriction
Target: AOE 15 foot radius, centered on a point in range you can see.


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