Exemplari Profession in Adventures in Valerick TTRPG | World Anvil


"In the days of yore, hell in days not so far back, your kind were viewed as just the sort of troublemakers that a world of chaos and danger and violence needed to help spearhead the efforts to expand, settle and reclaim the nations of our ancient ancestors, to rebuild all that was broken throughout the Sundering and to begin healing the world. But now however, it is sadly true many view adventrous and rambunctious sorts such as yourselves as ne'er do wells, looters, bandits, and scoundrels."

"Aye, an' which category do yerself fall in, ol' man?"

"My fine establishment is not called the Wanderer's Watchpost for nothing, master Durzi. You and your Exemplari companions are welcome here. I may have hung my own pack up a century or more ago, but old Vel'rin does not forget his time as you are now. You are doing the Ascended's work, never forget that, and feel no shame for taking, and spending any hard earned reward. So come, sit, be merry, and drink your fill. Oh and worry not about local law enforcement. They won't make too much nuisance of themselves unless you drop a body. They trust I can handle my own here."

A rather common conversation within the Wanderer's Watchpost, a seedy, hole in the wall establishment, at first glance anyway, deep in Kelethan's Soilscape Districts, between proprietor and the head of an adventuring band. A place known for traffic of adventurers of all kinds, including Exemplari and those whom seek to be known as such.

Modern day Valerick is a world that is beginning to forget its roots. A world that as it modernizes, is unfortunately beginning to forget what brought it back from the brink, and the sorts of people whom brought it back from the brink. For it was not politicians, nor soldiers, nor priests nor even magisters, though all would take credit. Nor was it artisans and craftsmen, nor hunters, farmers, miners, fishermen or any of those other truly important but mundane professions or crafts.

It was and always has been the Exemplari. The regular people whom decide to attempt to do something extraordinary. Something that will trascend their existence, and will inevitably expand society. Whether it be exploring uninhabited regions, reclaiming lost cities, rediscovering lost technology or information, cleansing World-Wounds, or simple treasure seeking, these groups of many folk, from all walks of life, with all manner of professional background, are the backbone of the societies that exist on Valerick now, though they do not get the reputation or recognition they deserve for it in the modern day, particularly in large central urban centers. Those closer to the frontiers, at those front lines, those edges of civilized lands and the still vast unknown and unsettled regions of Valerick, those folks generally hold much more appreciation for the sorts of individuals whom would seek the title of Exemplari. This is because they are all to familiar with the dangers, for them, unlike many raised in the stability of most larger and more central urban areas, live it. They see it every day.

But what exactly differentiates between an Exemplaris, or a group of Exemplari, and a regular mercenary/adventuring company?

The title of Exemplari is one earned through deed, and in truth is one that is hard to measure or acknowledge directly when it happens. It is often a title better recognized after the dust of one's life has settled, and after one can see the marks their travels have left upon the world. However, in basic terms an Exemplaris, or a group of Exemplari, are people whom, with their actions for good or ill, are remembered for their strides into the unknown. Their actions leave an epic behind, or inspire many songs and stories to be told. Many objects or things to bare names tied to them. Perhaps even places, as one of the most famous groups in recent times, the Sentinels, have done in Suranth. They inevitably discover long lost places, reclaim them, bring them back into the light. Or they travel into dangerous and otherwise unexplored regions, clearing out all manner of terrifying beast and monstrosity, perhaps even healing a World-Wound in the process, and use the wealth of their spoils, perhaps along with discovery of valuable resources, to advance the frontier lines of civilization throught private efforts, and proper negotiations with the nation whom would have the potential ability and desire to lay claim to the region they were adventuring. In short they are the front line of the front line, before even proper military patrols and engagements with tribal monsterous beings in a region, that lead directly to civilization expanding into new frontiers. At least that is one common path.

Exemplari in the Modern Day

In more modern times, especially in large cities and in settlements in more core and central regions of civilization, such folk are viewed with general suspicion and generally huffed at as being a relic of the past, or overpompous trouble makers. Their penchant and familiarity with carrying arms and wearing armor, to the point where they are more likely to need to be reminded of laws in various settlements that heavily restrict what arms a civilian can wear more than even military veterans does lead to particular flavor of reputation to be sure.

But yet, even in the largest urban centers across Valerick, Exemplari will find no lack of support and adoration in the right regions. The downtrodden, the slums, the seedy, hole in the wall establishments, these are where they best fit in. They will also find no lack of adventure here worthy in its own way of their lofty title and how they would achieve it, as even the biggest cities have their problems and corruptions that can in and of themselves make for a grand adventure of harrowing tales, and the stakes can sometimes be just as high, if not higher. In the modern day, the title and profession means adventurer or mercenary more than anything else. However very recently a particular group has rediscovered the rare truth of what it means to be Exemplari, and its long forgotten tie to the ancient Tanes, the primordial beings known as True Wyrms, and select groups of mortals, and how their fates are intertwined. For the hidden truth of what makes an Exemplari is far greater than mere adventurers, but that is a secret best kept for those whom are worthy. How does one know they are worthy? Simply put, take up the pack, the bow, the gun, magick, prayers, the blade, the fist, the lute, it matters not. Rally like minded comrades, friends, people you are willing to bond and forge a connection with. Strike out from the comforts of the life you know, and take to the road. Find opportunity. Any true group of Exemplari started their lives choosing to not sit idly by. Be it worg attacks on farming families and livestock. Strange sightings in the marshes of their home village. Escaped slaves from a dark elf galleon. Survivors of an orc raid seeking to settle the score, or a host of other things. Whatever it was, they too started small and they too would have had no idea what they were truly capable of, what they would become.


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