Communal Strength Spell in Adventures in Valerick TTRPG | World Anvil

Communal Strength

Community is our strength because we may lean on each other. In this time of need, we ask for the guidance to lean on the most able and ready among us for the task, and to let their skill, ability and confidence flow unto us all, to strengthen us for the coming tests. Let our communal strength guide us through the coming trials.

Prayer for Communal Guidance


Basic Effects: When calling upon this Prayer, you must key it to one of the six major attributes; Power, Agility, Toughness, Intellect, Sagacity or Persona. Whichever you pick, this prayer will imbue you and your compatriots, empowering you all. Whichever of you has the highest score in the chosen attribute, every other affected creature treats their score as the same as that number for the duration of this prayer.

Side/Secondary Effects

Tier II Effects: Increase radius by 10 feet.

Tier III Effects: Increase potential duration by 10 minutes.


Focusing your mind, your will, and your knowledge of the small community you have about you, your companions, your stalwart allies, you beseech Deat-Kra to empower yourself and your compatriots for the coming tasks. Feeling the Divine Power within you, feeling it spread to those around you, as a sudden surge of energy courses through your veins.
Gestures & Ritual
Prayer TN: 14, Tier II: 19, Tier III: 24
Related Discipline
Prayer (Deat-Kra)
Effect Duration
Maintained, up to 10 minutes
Effect Casting Time
2 actions
Self, 20 foot radius
Applied Restriction
Special, Targets: Yourself and any willing targets you deem allies within range.


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