Arcanis-Touched Condition in Adventures in Valerick TTRPG | World Anvil


To be Touched is an ailment some would argue, but I vehemently disagree, as would most magisters. It is a challenge, most certainly, and can be brutal and deadly, most absolutely. But it is no disease, no sickness, and no curse. It is a gift and a power, not so unlike the power and gift of smokepowder. It is a tool, an ability, a talent, not unlike skill at arms. And just like those things, if not educated and disciplined properly, then such individuals with such capabilities become problematic.

To be Arcanis-Touched is indeed a curse, or it used to be. Murmuring voices, wild and uncontrollable elemental powers, the ever looming threat of death, mutation, dismemberment, or worse, possession. None of these things seem beneficial. But then came the Magisterium.

The first Magisters whom learned to master the elemental powers also learned how to control and keep back the beasts of the Void that could use such individuals as puppets, slaves or hosts. They learned the disciplines and the Arts of Arcanis and learned to turn this terrible ailment into a powerful gift. And they taught others, and continued teaching others, all whilst waging a brutal war for the recognition and rights they felt they deserved. Eventually, they achieved that goal and the Magisterium was born.

Now, to be Arcanis-Touched is still to be shunned and looked at with fear and superstition and ill will by many. But it can also come with great benefits, should one be found early enough and taken into the care and educative guidance of the Magisterium. They will learn to control their gifts, to shut out and resist the threats and presence of the beasts from beyond the Veil, and ultimately learn to wield a great power. Magick.


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