Lady Phane Prestside Character in Adventures Along the Sword Coast | World Anvil
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Lady Phane Prestside

Lady Phane Prestside, known as The Lady in Red, is a beautiful, dark haired, Waterdavian noblewoman with piercing gray eyes. She is a collector and purveyor of strange and unusual treasures. Little is known of her personal history. She and her father Lord Szadek Prestside arrived in Waterdeep only a few years ago. They rent lavish staterooms at The Sated Satyr and rarely leave the grounds. They are extremely wealthy, though outside of Phane's dabbling in unique imports it is unclear how they made their fortune.     Phane is vainglorious and flirtatious, she is also completely obsessed with the color red. She dresses in luxurious and revealing red garments and wears a large ruby around her neck. She is always accompanied by her two bodyguards, half orc monks named East and West Wind.    

Expedition to Dead Man's Isle

An archaeological expedition was made to Dead Man’s Isle. Captain Julius Mitchell and his ship, Calm Delilah, were conscripted by Gellan Primewater along with a crew of researchers and hired swords.   Rumors abound that the island was occasionally used as a place for pirates to hide their loot and was the home of an ancient civilization of some kind, long wiped out. The island has a reputation for being exceedingly dangerous, rife with ferocious beasts and archaic magics. However. it also has a reputation for enormous wealth. So, when someone showed up in Saltmarsh with a map purporting to lead to it The Lady in Red found the temptation irresistible.   Phane reached out to Gellan Primewater and offered to back the expedition. The Calm Delilah had already been hired and with Phane's financial backing the ship was outfitted with upgraded weaponry and cargo capacity and sent off to find the treasure. 6 months later there was no sign of the ship or the treasure and Phane had given up hope for its return.    

The Twilight Shepherd

A fisherman discovered a mysterious island that appeared overnight and floating out to his boat offshore he discovered The Logbook of Captain Mitchell. Phane's agents discovered this fisherman and brought him to her. She hired Captain Akrus the Red and his ship, The Twilight Shepherd to find this island, track down the fate of The Calm Delilah and meet her and her partner in Saltmarsh afterward.     In compensation she upgraded the Shepherd's armament and is offering double expenses including double payrates for the crew on top of normal shipping fees. And for proof of what happened to the Calm Delilah and its cargo, she is offering 500 platinum. as well as an additional 500 platinum as a bonus for the return of the treasure listed in the manifest in the Logbook.


Lord Szadek Prestside


Towards Lady Phane Prestside


Lady Phane Prestside


Towards Lord Szadek Prestside



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