Akrus the Red Character in Adventures Along the Sword Coast | World Anvil
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Akrus the Red

With a soft groan the heavy wooden doors swing wide and the tall, powerfully built Captain of The Twilight Shepherd  steps into the lounge. He would doubtless seem more at home scrambling over the slick boards of a foredeck during a squall than in the posh luxury of The Sated Satyr but his posture shows only confidence as he strides into the room. The Tiefling man has long black hair pulled back under a brightly colored scarf and his golden irises shine mirthlessly against his dark eyes and red skin.   Seated in a central couch facing the entrance, is the Lady in Red herself, Phane Prestside, living up to her moniker in a deep red silk dress with gold trim that looks to be as valuable as The Twilight Shepherd itself. She is a beautiful, dark haired woman with piercing gray eyes, that appears to be in her mid-30s. Besides the dress, she is wearing a light burgundy cloak, and a massive ruby around her throat, set in gold, that rests heavily on the pale skin of her full bosom. Her feet are tucked up under her on the settee and her golden sandals loll haphazardly on the floor. In her left hand teeters a nearly empty wine glass, red of course.
    Standing on either side of the Lady, and a bit behind, are her ever-present bodyguards. Two half-orcs, one male, one female, who don’t appear to carry any weapons besides their heavily gauntleted fists. Struggling to pour the Lady more wine is an older gnomish man, wearing a well-made but disheveled blue suit and sporting an almost violent puff of gray hair. “Ah! Captain Akrus! You’ve finally arrived! Still red as blood I see! Love it!”
  She rises suddenly from the couch, disrupting the old gnomes’ best efforts to keep the wine off the carpet, and with two light strides has the Captain's hand in hers and is pulling him over to the seating area. “I’ve got quite a job for you, my Vermillion Voyager!”
    Captain Akrus the Red is a Tiefling. He is the Captain of The Twilight Shepherd
  Standing just under 6 feet, Akrus is a muscular Tiefling with typical red skin, black hair and horns curling backwards over the crown of his head. His eyes are black, with golden irises. He typically wears a crimson bridge coat - covering his heavy chainmail armor – and a brightly colored headscarf, wrapped to allow his horns to emerge. His horns and ears are decorated with rings and cuffs of gold and electrum. He has a minimum of two tattoos per limb, so he can be identified no matter what part washes up.


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