Elturgard Settlement in Adventures Along the Sword Coast | World Anvil
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Elturgard, also known as the Kingdom of Two Suns, was first formed by the paladins and clerics of the city of Elturel after the Spellplague. It is the first nation to have grown in the Western Heartlands. It encompasses much of the middle Heartlands and takes up the region in the Fields of the Dead that already is not incorporated into the booming city-state of Baldur’s Gate, an ally of Elturgard’s.  



  • Elturel – The city that formed the nation of Elturgard.
  • Triel – A village that willingly joined Elturgard.
  • Scornubel – Another city that willingly joined Elturgard.
  • Berdusk – Another city that willingly joined Elturgard.
  • Old Elturel – A small farming village founded after Elturgard formed.
  • Greenest – A small farming village founded after Elturgard formed.


  • Fort Morninglord – A ruined fort dedicated to Torm.


  • Fields of the Dead – About half belong the nation of Elturgard, as the metropolis of Baldur’s Gate   has grown so massive that it encompasses half of the Fields. Both use it for farming.


Elturgard is nearly two-thirds human with the fair skinned, tall peoples of the north comprising the majority. The dark-skinned Zhents are a significant cultural group, albeit a minority. A number of elves, dwarves, halflings, and gnomes call Elturgard home, but even then, the halflings tend toward the outskirts and the dwarves prefer to distance themselves from the strong human cultural display in Elturel proper.


Theocracy, lead by the paladins of Torm


The Hellriders, centered in the capital city of Elturel patrol the roads, train garrisons and soldiers, and police the towns. Many of the major cities in Elturgard are walled, and fortified.

Industry & Trade

Tourism: many come from afar to see the Kingdom of Two Suns and bathe in the holy light of the Companion. Farming: The Middle Heartlands is the bread basket of Faerun. Trade: Scornubel, the Merchant City is an important hub of trade and a shipping port on the Chionthar River.


Bound by the Fields of the Dead to the North, the Cloud Peaks to the South. Balder's Gate to the West, and the Chianthar River banks to the East, Elturgard is characterized by rolling hills, windswept grasslands, farms, and the mysterious Wood of Sharp Teeth at its heart.

Natural Resources

Wood, grain, vegetables, and sheep
National Territory
Included Locations


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