Old Elturel Settlement in Adventures Along the Sword Coast | World Anvil
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Old Elturel

Ironically, this sleepy farming town in the south of Eturgard was named Old Elturel long after Elturel itself had been founded. The name was meant to evoke the bucolic feel of nostalgia for the old pastoral way of life that its founders longed for, having grown tired of the urban and military environment of Elturel.   Old Elturel is a small town along the Uldoon Trail Southwest of the village of Greenest. It was built more or less on the ruins of Avovale, a city that was destroyed centuries before during the Scourge. In fact, the town sprang up around the only known continuously occupied structure in the area, The Green Dragon Inn . A building that has existed as a way-point for travelers since the time of Avovale itself.


primarily Human and Halfling with a few Elves and Half Elves.


Justicar and Knight Commander appointed by the High Overseer of Elturel
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