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Sellaa is a large city on the island of Suza. It is a member of The Alliance in the Union War.


The Island of Seelaa is divided into two fiefs and a Free City, all ruled by a single person: The Grand Viscount. The City of Suza is a Free City, and is ruled by a Citizen Council consisting of the leading citizens (guild masters, church leaders, etc) led by the Lord Mayor, which is a hereditary title held by the Viscount. Outside the city walls is the fiefdom of Seelaa, in which the Viscount is hereditary lord and master with effectivly unlimited power to rule as he wishes. Of the eastern coast is the island of Falmer, of which the Viscount is also the baron. Here the viscount rules as "steward of the High King", an ancient title and one which affords the people of this island a fairly lax rule, as the viscount must keep to the ancient Royal Code to maintain legitimacy.


Suza is a wealthy place and its citizens are proud of this fact. The climate is pleasant and the soil is rich. The Seelaans are known for their lax attitude to life and their love of wine, song and sex. The people of the island have often been accused of impiety for their unusual reverence for the local "spirits", particularly the spirit of  Mt. Nera, the volcano which dominates the center of the island.

Public Agenda

The island is a member of the Alliance. In the current War it seeks to maintain the independence of the city states and keep the Union of Free Cities from becoming a power in the region. Domestically the Viscount has in recent years attempted to centralize power, arguing that the war has exposed many deficiencies in local governance which can only be solved by more uniform and centralized government.


Seelaa is wealthy. The city of Suza is one of the largest of the Free Cities with a population exceeding 50.000. Despite this the military power at the disposal of the Viscount has always been small. In the current war the island has contributed numerous ships, and is one of the few Free Cities not on the verge of bankruptcy.
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Free City
Alternative Names
Leader Title
Power Structure
Economic System
Mixed economy
Official State Religion
Parent Organization
Official Languages
Neighboring Nations
Notable Members


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