Second Treaty of Eion Document in Adar | World Anvil
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Second Treaty of Eion

The Second Treaty of Eion is the agreement which ended the Wizard's War between the Evonian Republic and the Circle of Magi. It established that the Republic and its sister republics were not subject to the Circle's power. But it also banned several schools of magical research within the Republic.


The treaty ended a two centuries long magical conflict which had been raging since shortly after the arrival of elves on the Material Plane and the founding of the Republic. The early prosperity and stability of the Republic was disrupted by the war, and much of the state's focus was consumed by it. On the Circle's side the conflict took its entire attention, such that many magical threats were allowed to go unattended. Thousands of mages were killed, and the Circle faced near destruction at several points in the war. By the 260's IC both sides felt it prudent to seek a negotiated end to the war, and the neutral country of Eion was chosen as a meeting place.

Historical Details

Public Reaction

The treaty was condemned by the newly rising kingdom of Myzia and by the then relativly new Church of Sol. Both considered the treaty invalid and the work of some conspiracy within the Circle. Other countries tried to negotiate their own special agreements with the Circle in the aftermath of the treaty, but failed to do so.


The treaty set the stage for the rise of the Evonian Republic as a Great Power on the world stage. With their numerous mages now unrestricted by Circle rules or bound up in war the Republic's economy boomed beyond all expectation or precedence as magic was turned improve productivity and improve living standards.    For its part the Circle largely returned to its pre-war status quo.
Authoring Date
265 - 266 IC
Ratification Date
Midsummer 266
Expiration Date


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