Amrian Species in Ad Infinitum | World Anvil
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"Nothing makes me more happier than some bread with blood oxen meat and Amrian tea in the morning!"   Attributed to Soras Valcoran, during his first expedition on Cadmeia.
  Amrian is the name given to a species of plants found on Cadmeia. At first glance, they might pass off for a normal Cadmeian plant, having no special looks on the outside. However, the tea that is brewed from the Amrian plant, serves as an extremely powerful stimulant like the coffee plants of Terra and yet retains the sweet taste of coffee. It is widely renowned as the most popular beverage on Cadmeia, being a mainstay and favourite of both children and adults.

Basic Information


Amrian is very similar to the tea plants of Terra, being almost indistinguishable from them.

Genetics and Reproduction

Amrian usually reproduces twice a Terran year, when its seeds grow ripe and fall down to the ground. The seeds themselves are carried by different animals to other places until the seed finds a suitable place, from where it begins its life.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Amrian tea

"If there was truly a drink distilled right from heaven, its hands down Amrian tea. Nothing can beat that"   Attributed to Augustus Ludwig, after he drank Amrian tea for the first time
  The biggest usage of the Amrian plant is the tea that it provides. From the leaves of this plant, springs forth the most popular beverage in all of Cadmeia. It is widely known for being a stimulant like coffee, except that it is far... far more potent and can keep a person awake and energised for an entire week on Cadmeia. It is a favourite amongst workers and students, who take Amrian tea every morning before leaving for school or work ( Which is equivalent to around 112 hours).

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Amrian usually has the same senses as most of the other Cadmeian flora. A key thing to note however though, is that Amrian is extremely intelligent, being able to make complex decisions for its survival and even use tools with the amount of locomotion it has.
Scientific Name
Amrian Somnaticus
Conservation Status
Amrian plant is widely found across the equatorial regions of Cadmeia, especially in the Chiral valley.

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