Western Hive
"How do you think we could get up there?" "It's probably best if we leave it alone, brother. You know what they say about these places..." "What's that?" "It's a honey trap!"The Western Hive (sometimes called 'The Abeil Hive' by those that don't know there are two) is the smaller and poorer hive out of the two large hives. It remains isolated from most of the world because of its location within the sentient Chenos.
The Western Hive works as an Absolute Monarchy, where the Queen rules with absolute power. Her word is final within the hive, and the abeil work hard to keep her and her children (the entire hive) alive.
Variation of Eureka
The religion of Eureka is different in both Hives, where Marielle is seen as a benevolent abeil creator god named Mirri. Her laws for her people were handed to the first queens of each hive, and since the hives' creation, there has always been a high priestess who had direct contact with Marielle herself.
While poor, the Western Hive has a healthy workforce that it uses well. Woven clothes are made by imperial honeysilk weavers for all of the hive. Armour is made by hardworking armoursmiths, hammering out hardened honey mixture into forms to fit the warriors who defend the hive. There are few weaponsmiths, but those who do take their work very seriously.
Scouts are the ones who leave the hive for days on end, collecting pollen and nectar from Chenos' flowers, checking for possible intruders, and bringing water back to keep the others hydrated. Chefs and nutritionists make sure everyone has a healthy diet so they can work their hardest, and horticulturists make sure there's plenty of flowers planted around.
Living within Chenos provides a good enough defense for most threats, but the hive makes warriors just in case.XXXXX
Western Abeil
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