The Planes in Abios

World Codex


  • Great Wheel Cosmology
    The Great Wheel cosmology is the prevalent cosmological model in which the continent of Abios is said to exist. The Great Wheel is described as a complex, comparatively cosmopolitan place in which the gods of many worlds and pantheons mingled, the beliefs of many faiths and peoples bleeding together in a set of Outer Planes shaped predominantly by the polar forces of Law, Chaos, Good, and Evil. Thus it was that Lliira and the Greek goddess Hecate could feud over the love of the Sumerian god Enki and work at a pleasure palace operated by the Aztec gods Xochipilli and Tlazoteotl. In fact, a number of alliances existed between the gods of Abios and those of other worlds, for example, between Mystra and Wee Jas of Oerth, as well as a plot by a god of Abios ending up involving the gods of Krynn.
    For more information visit the Forgotten Realms Wiki regarding the Great Wheel Cosmology by clicking here.