Lord Ector de Brias Character in Abholos | World Anvil
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Lord Ector de Brias

"Poor boy. Gone is his brother. What else does he have? An empty throne to claim? His sibling's friends? They, we, are just looking for a ruler, in all honesty. For our coalition, I expect him to rise up once he has finished mourning,"
- Ector de Brias, to Degore, fellow Lord.
  Ector de Brias, or simply Ector, is a veteran soldier given the rank of lord as gratitude for aiding in the training of both Lancelot, Former King , and his little brother, nicknamed Lancelittle. Whilst strict, Brias was commemorated for his ability to train both of the individuals to be professional combatants before becoming teenagers. Whilst trained predominantly in a battle-axe, Ector had instead focused on use of his ornate longsword in preparations for Lancelot, as it was the weapon his father had used. Lancelot soon surpassed him in combat, which was when he focused on the second brother. Brias trained him until he would be given partial blame for the death of Lancelot thanks to not teaching him basic survival techniques, despite his death from the hands of Malus, the charred Colossus.
  Brias' role as teacher for Lancelittle would be suspended, but his status as a Lord could only be taken with his death. Brias found resolution by putting himself to use in the island ruled by Artus, a fellow lord, who would allow Ector to become a Royal Guard Captain. Away from the Lancein Knights, and the core groups, his efforts were now in servitude to the island itself. Ector's disposal from the royal cause of training the heirs would make him spiteful, rude, and uncaring to many royalists, knights, albeit fellow Lords, as long as they were on favourable terms before becoming the Captain. Not much is known about Brias to the general public after this. Although, his scourings for a cultist in service to the Greatwyrm Malus made him known as the Banished Sleuth to many. Alongside the warriors he has curated and formed bonds with, he has surveiled all of the island he resides on, and the local region to it, in search of this cult in order to wipe them out.

Murder in the Resort

    Ector de Brias' employment as a Guard Captain had led him, alongside his desperate search to find Nardeo, a Tactician of Azazel and Cultist of Malus, would lead to the espionage of the Heroic Resort, a private settlement where the Snap, Crackle, Pop, had resided. Due to the draconic nature of Riree, and the threatening appearances of her two allies, Grog and Gormand, Ector would keep a close eye on the building. It'd only be once he places his services as a Guard of the Island to other regions that Jenkyn Godefroy would be attacked, alongside an Elven Woman who would be slain in the same attack. Ector's irrationality and easy-to-anger self meant it that the SCP were his prime suspects.
  After having his men stalk the three adventurers, Ector believed them to be tampering with the evidence of the murder. The next time he saw them, he attempted to knock them out and bring them to justice. Alas, the SCP had the slight upper hand and were able to freeze the warrior in place for the forthcoming night. To them, he was a violent man attempting to blame them for something they had not done. Once Ector had thawed, one of the adventurer's allies, Darcy, had captured him and imprisoned him in a nearby clearing to be questioned once the SCP returned from their journey to the The Adadis Courthall . Since then, his weapon was taken and he was released on the grounds that he would aid in the attack on Malus at the Guildhall. 
Ector de Brias has a vital role to play for the Snap, Crackle, Pop in their conquest against the Charred Colosus. His axe has a minor enchantment on it, the ability to sacrifice itself to power a great machine, which'd be used to send the heroes to the Ancient City. Ector would have reluctantly given up the weapon, due to him having used it whilst training Lancelot, thus having given him sentiment to hold onto the weapon for as long as he can. Since Lancelittle's escape from Malus and Vorbile, the Desecrator's control, Ector has offered some lessons of practicality, avoiding combat, to the young noble. This strong change from before is because the veteran does not wish to see another member of the family die, especially from his own teachings. Thaquoros, another warrior who is fighting against Malus, and teaching Lancelittle, believes this to be a way for Ector to cope with this guilt he has from the ordeal. 


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