Excalibur of the One King Item in Abholos | World Anvil
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Excalibur of the One King

A fairly large, thick, smooth blade made of Starsteel and is held by a grip wrapped in extravagant, creamy Dragon leather. With just one razor-sharp edge this weapon is ideal for both cleaving enemies as well as blocking their attacks. The blade has a thin, slightly curved cross-guard, just large enough to protect the owner's fingers. The cross-guard has an elegant serpentine head on each side, this weapon was clearly a custom order, probably by an important figure. A large pommel is marked with the symbol of the house this sword belongs to, a symbol one can be proud of. The blade itself is filled with a magical pattern that brings the strength of a Hydra into the tip.
History   Over 450 years ago, an expert forger had made a fierce blade, and began to make weapons for those who could afford it across the lands of Maisin. Soon all of the armies were given these incredible swords, spears, and more. Though when Adagi struck Maisin, the forger was slain by the titan. Years would pass and Adagi would lay waste on other civilisations, but the King of Maisin Maw would go back and pay respects to the Forger, and found the grand Weapon, buried in the rubble. It took him 2 days to lift it out, and afterwards, he had grown enough strength to defeat Adagi, placing the Excalibur directly in it's skull, before walking away. To this day, the Excalibur is still in the skeleton of the Adagi, and many have tried removing it but have failed each and every time.
Dormant You gain a +1 to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.   Additionally, the sword has a special attack. As an action, you wield the sword in two hands and declare it's name out loud, forcing an enemies you strike with this attack, to take 2d6 of the radiant/necrotic damage+weapon damage and mod damage. The damage increases to 4d6 if the target is a fiend, fey and undead After using this attack you cannot use it again until you take a long rest.   Awakened   You gain a +2 to attack with this weapon   the swords effect damage goes up to 4d6 regularly and 6d6 when against fiend, fey and undead   Leaders charge: when using this effect, which is an action, any creature you designate an ally within 60ft that is affected by the frightened or charmed condition, now has adv against the save, and temp hp worth 5+users current level     Exalted   you gain a +3 to attack with this weapon   the swords effect goes up to 6d6 regularly and 8d6 against fiend, fey and undead     Call of the King : when using this blade you may raise it up and call out you may summon one of these things a long rest, 9 berserkers that last 6 hours : 6 knights that last 3 hours, 3 Half-red dragon veterans that are flavored as fey warriors that last only one hour
In Order to be Awakened, a User has to complete a DC 25 Strength Check and then Attune to the weapon 5 times, in different Long Rests. Though for it to be Exalted, a Divine being with a Divine Rank greater than 10 to become Exalted with the Weapon, like how the King of Maisin Maw did.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

It works as a regular blade, but holds the power of a powerful Angel.


The Excalibur of the One King is the Primary weapon of choice of the King Of Maisin Maw, and was used to destroy the
Item type
Unique Artifact
Current Location
Legendary, Only one in Existence.
4 KG
52 x 4 Inches
Base Price
1,000,000,000 GP
Raw materials & Components
Starsteel, and Hydra Leather
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