Divine Rank Physical / Metaphysical Law in Abholos | World Anvil
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Divine Rank

Each deity has a divine rank. A deity’s divine rank determines how much power the entity has. The more followers a deity may have, the stronger they would become. There are different classifications of divine rank, as well as 25 Divine Ranks.
0 - A Titan, Hero-Deity or Quasi-Deity. An immortal being who receives maximum hit points per hit dice, but may not grant spells to clerics. They include the offspring of deities and mortals, and humans who ascend to entry-level divine status.
1-5 - A demigod. May have a few hundred or a few thousand devoted worshippers. Deities of this rank or above are immune to electricity, cold, acid, disease, poison, stunning, sleep, death effects, and disintegration, and do not automatically fail on a roll of natural 1. Deities of this rank or above also have numerous other minor abilities, including their own godly realm, the ability to communicate with anyone, and the ability grant spells to worshippers and to cast any spell they can grant.
6-10 - Called lesser deities, these entities grant spells and can perform more powerful deeds than demigods can. Lesser deities have anywhere from a few thousand to tens of thousands of worshippers and control larger godly realms than demigods. They also have keener senses where their portfolios are concerned.
11-15 - An intermediate deity. They have hundreds of thousands of worshippers. They always get a natural 20 on any check. They can raise buildings and change terrain at will within ten miles.
16-20 - A greater deity. These tend to have millions of worshippers. The head of a pantheon is usually a greater deity, as are its most popular members. They count as if they already rolled a natural 20, and automatically maximise all rolls. They can change traits like gravity and magic within a plane.
21-25 - These entities are beyond the ken of mortals and care nothing for worshippers. They only grant spells and gifts to those who had found them. If they are known at all, it is to a handful of scholars, cultists or other people on the Material Plane. They are called overdeities. In some pantheistic systems, the consent of an overdeity is required to become a god.

Expanded Rules

  Overdeities are long forgotten, in most places. Beings such as Ao are no longer considered in existence, due to the formation of FL (Founding Lands), where the Forgotten Realms would expand into the Abholos setting, places like Toril, Midgard, and Krynn being the main examples of those who crossed over. Because of this, those Overdeities had more often than not stayed in their original plane, as their power could allow them to interact within Abholos, if ever needed. Deities that originate on outer realms also have the guarantee of interacting within Abholos' worlds. Beings such as Surtur and Alafax both have the ability to have relevance amongst these planets, despite living in outer realms anyways. Other, religious-based events, may also have an impact on the worlds of Abholos, such as the Fall of Olympus, and murder of Centzonhuitznahua and his sister.

Further Info

  Divine Rank only considers a few pantheons when their power is relevant. Some other pantheons, such as Aesir, Laniwick, and Aitso's pantheons do not consider these when looking at the power of divine beings. The amount of people worshipping each of these deities have no token to play in considering their strength. Beings such as The God of the Deep, and Rallaster each have little followers, not as many as more mainstream beings such as Odin and Sol. Most of the older deities from forgotten pantheons would use this still, sometimes gaining a cult following, both figuratively and literally.
Metaphysical, Divine


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