Basilisk's Residence Geographic Location in Abholos | World Anvil
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Basilisk's Residence

On the outskirts of Maisin Maw, reveals the set of grasslands connected by bridges often known as the Basilisk's Residence. The scenery here is filled with beautiful flora, which has been left to grow amongst mysterious stone statues of humanoids in peace, with not much intervention from creatures. As the name entails, the prime species here are Basilisks. Along the outer reaches of these fields are pillar islands made of stone. Usually, the people of the Maisin area, in particular lower-end nobles of the Maw, would make forts and rich homes here. They were mostly for show, and held no practical uses except for fishing. The problem with this, is that homes would often flood or be destroyed by basilisks, tidal waves, or tremors.
  There are a total of 17 different grasslands in this region, each connected by arched, cobbled bridges which have plant life growing over them. Each one has engravings of the old Maisin teachings and mythology on them. Supposedly, they would've been used for training of guards back in the time where nature and basilisks had not taken over. In the residence, there is one Greater Basilisk. The greater basilisk was a rare breed of the common basilisk, similar in most respects, except it was larger and with a low intelligence and an evil disposition. It was extremely near-sighted, and consequently the range of its petrifying gaze was much shorter. However, it had been turned into a great stone statue by one of it's monstrous allies.


  Hidden in one of the caves on an island, is a set magical items. It is clutched by a corpse, wilted down to bone. It has armour scraps, and a broken sword next to them. Inside of their arms is a +1 trident. Not only that, but wrapped around the handle is a scroll.

The Scroll of Espheldon

Scroll, Uncommon
  A roll of old, singed parchment with elvish writing on it. The writing says that the user will be given a desirable gift, of their liking. Depending on the user, two things will happen. They will either receive a day's worth of good luck in social scenarios, or a day's worth of good luck in economic scenarios. Based off of the character, the DM will decide on that the effect will be.  

Matron Mystra

    A lone Wyvern Mother was the most powerful creature in the Residence. She, and her egg, was given respect by the Basilisks for her powerful skills. As a wyvern, Mystra found it hard to speak at first. After years of learning, she began to take on the intelligence of a normal dragon. Named by adventurers after the Goddess of Magic, from Toril, due to her innate spellcasting. Mystra has the ability to cast bolts of fire and lightning from her wings, and had a cloud of daggers form off of the stinger on her tail.
Alternative Name(s)
Stoned Fields
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