Cabylnord Settlement in A Quiet Realm - Prostesa | World Anvil


Where men become soldiers

In the heart of Central Lithia, nestled beneath the earth, is a cavern lined with jewels arcane and inert. The clangs of steel against rock and the breeze caused by speeding minecarts create the perfect picture of a miner's town. Its inhabitants move in sync; one miner raises a pickaxe just as another slams theirs down harshly. It's like watching clockwork, with everyone moving to a rhythm universally understood and followed religiously.   In Cabylnord, the Forge of the Sleeping Dwarves, anyone and everyone has a role to fulfill, and they carry it out with unflinching willpower and persistence. It is unknown what drives them, but word has surfaced of a god whose name is omitted from all known documentation. Because of the unique appearance of the iron dwarves, Cabylnord’s inhabitants, Cabylnord has become a site of scientific interest. Strangely, there have been no records of this town, and all attempts to find documentation of Cabylnord have been unsuccessful.


Cabylnord is a town inhabited entirely by dwarves known as “oldor” (dwarvish for “magic iron”). Because they are seemingly born from rocks within Lithia’s caverns, they are best suited for the underground and naturally take to smithing. Most Cabylnordians are blacksmiths or architects, spreading their craft to the rest of Lithia to keep civilization thriving. Though the jobs pay well, only the best blacksmiths could be considered wealthy, as the rest of the upper class is occupied by artists. About 85% of the population could be considered blacksmiths or architects, with the remaining 15% being those that are involved with the fine arts. Cabylnordian musicians are rarely heard of, even though oldor appear to be musically inclined.


Cabylnord is a city-state led by Malik Geralton, an oldor artist and (supposedly) veteran adventurer. The rules of Cabylnord are hard for foreigners to understand outside of “do your job.” When an oldor picks a career, they are expected to stay devoted to that one task from the day they begin working to the day they die. Though it has not been explained outright, there appears to be a monthly quality-inspection depending on each career path. Though this is intended to make sure that all oldor are working as intended, it has resulted in rigorously-tight work schedules and a profound lack of self-expression. The laws created by Geralton are meant to enforce order and structure, and they have been effective at creating an astoundingly-efficient society. Simply put, if a Cabylnordian makes it, it will likely work until there’s only a piece remaining.


As a Dwarven settlement, Cabylnord’s defenses are natural. The cave of Cabylnord is designed to function as a labyrinth, with armies becoming separated as they grow lost the deeper they venture underground. The Cabylnordian Guard specializes in dividing enemy troops into smaller groups, picking them off once they are isolated from support.   Ordinary Cabylnordians are capable of utilizing a form of communication through vibrations in the earth. Cabylnordians are able to communicate in this way by rapidly stomping the ground. The Cabylnordian Guard uses this technique to scout for danger, map out cave systems (which is still being explored to this day), and warn citizens. Each set of rapid stomps has its own distinct pattern, and these patterns denote the enemy’s level of threat, which is typically one of three.


Cabylnord is Lithia’s main source of weaponry for its soldiers, though Cabylnord lacks many source of arcane power. Because the quality of Cabylnordian weapons are so high, they are typically bought in bulk for discounts. Most Cabylnordian assets are practical, but none of them sacrifice appearance for the sake of utility. Though it’s unspoken in Cabylnordian society, they believe that weapons can be both beautiful and efficient, standing at odds with their mountain dwarf brethren.   For collectors, the true value of Cabylnord is in the gemstones that can be mined from there. The crystals within Cabylnord are of an impressive size, and they are often fashioned into jewelry to be used as gifts or accessories. Because of their scarcity, however, they tend to be priced higher.


Cabylnord’s history is difficult to understand, as it is one of several settlements to be omitted from historical books entirely. The only knowledge given to the public is from the Cabylnordians themselves. Despite this, their knowledge of historical events seems to imply that they’ve been around for about as long as other settlements have.  
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From what was told, Cabylnord was founded in 2100 AA when the first oldor awoke and began colonizing the Underdark. From this point onwards, the Cabylnordians may have watched the rest of Lithia in silence for eternity, never quite understanding a world that moved to a different beat than they did. It was not until the founding of Illwurn, when the Cabylnordians were approached by King Baldrek Leonhardt I, that Cabylnord was connected with the rest of Lithia.   In modern times, Cabylnord is where Lithians become soldiers and taught discipline. It was by pure chance that the Echo Disaster did not destroy the very foundations of Cabylnordian society, for the Echoes are anything but predictable.


Though the oldor have made obvious technological advancements, Cabylnord can be described as very “rudimentary.” Homes are simply parts of the cavern walls that the oldor dug into for security. Because of this, much of Cabylnord’s cave system still maintains its jagged appearance. Not unlike some Louistan or druidic settlements, Cabylnord’s architecture stems from a respect of the natural world and cautious industrialization.
Founding Date
2100 AA
Alternative Name(s)
Forge of the Sleeping Dwarves
Inhabitant Demonym
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Species | Dec 23, 2020
The Earth Speaks   The oldor, known as the “ore dwarves,” are an anomaly to even their other dwarven brethren. This could be attributed to the fact that the oldor went to great lengths to hide their existence. It’s unknown why they chose to be isolated for so long; the reason why the Echo Disaster did not wipe out Aohiri is that city-state leaders found safety in establishing connections. The oldor claim that their portion of the Underdark was desolate, devoid of most Echoes. It’s unknown if the remaining Echoes were easily dispatched or averse to conflict.

Cover image: Crystal Cave by PiotrDura


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Dec 29, 2020 11:53 by TC

This is an interesting settlement! I really enjoyed the description of the dwarves working you gave at the beginning, it gives a great feel of the place itself.

Creator of Arda Almayed
Dec 29, 2020 12:42 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I love the idea of the dwarves being able to communicate through vibrations in the earth. That's such a cool image. This is a really interesting city. I find the Oldor a fascinating community, especially because they are so devoted to their careers.

Emy x   Etrea | Vazdimet