Daenc Hydrax 4 Geographic Location in A Mile is Not Enough | World Anvil
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Daenc Hydrax 4

Ruled primarily by the rules of StarBound, this used to be the fourth planet in the Daenc Hydrax star system, but after it was claimed as an Owned Planet by the NS5, it was moved by Nexus into the Static Map. Daenc Hydrax 4 is known as a Midnight-Class planet.   Daenc Hydrax 4 still acts as though it is orbiting Daenc Hydrax, a Frozen Star. Most stars produce heat with their sunlight, though as you would guess it, Frozen Stars emit cold. If you were to look up at the sun...   You'd fail since this is a Midnight-Class planet. If you somehow did anyway, then upon lifting off into space, you wouldn't see a sun. Only the planet was taken by Nexus, and not the star it orbits. But that doesn't mean the planet has been affected.   The planet was already inhabited by a small city of glitch, belonging to House Rustspring, for the complicated array of things that means.   Midnight-Class planets naturally destroy light, by its atmosphere reducing light generation by 66%. A bright spotlight aiming at your face anywhere else would be blinding, whereas here it's simply annoying. A flashlight anywhere else would light up a conical field 6 meters ahead; here it only goes 2 meters.   There are metals here that exist on Midnight planets and no where else. The metals are: Aegisalt, Violium, and Ferozium.   Due to how Starbound works, any tree or plant of any kind that is attempted to be grown here will succeed. Even plants that require large amounts of sunlight, on a planet wreathed in perpetual darkness, will be easy to grow. However, the two requirements are dirt and watering, but there aren't much of either on the planet.

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