Revenant Condition in A dance of orc's and elves | World Anvil
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The undead that live

A revenant is what is created when a necromancer performs the ritual of Death Weaving and uses a living being as the vessel for the spirit of the dying. If said living beings body does not have its inborn spirit ripped out during the weaving the two spirits will fight one another over control of the body. Because of this most revenants seam a little unstable as they could lose control of their actions during times of weakness.

Transmission & Vectors

It takes time to become a revenant. Three hours to be exact as that is the time a necromancer needs to fully preform the ritual of Death Weaving and place the spirit of the soon to be dead in a living being. If this process is interrupted the "victim" are seen as a half-revenant. As only parts of the mind that was meant to take over the body will remain in existences.


This state of being is caused by a necromancer preforming the art of Death Weaving on a living being.


Tho it is not known why revenants are colder then most living beings to the touch. They also tend to dislike heat and burn easier, both by the stronger rays of the sun and fire. Not to mention the fact that most revenants have to fight a battle whit the other spirit(s) whit in their body. Making them at times easily distracted.


It is said that the only way of getting rid of a spirit of the dead that has been placed in your body is to end said bodies life or to remove all spirits whit in it. In short the only "cure" to this condition is death.

Cultural Reception

Tho highly unusual there are some magic orders in which members willingly take on the spirits of the dying into their bodies. In this cases the two, or more as some of this groups do this on a regular basis, work together instead of fighting over control.
Chronic, Acquired
Extremely Rare

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