Pavlos Markides Character in World Behind the Veil | World Anvil

Pavlos Markides

I will serve Cassidy for all my life. Without her I would be dead just like so many more lost souls. It is my honour to protect those in her care for many years to come. I hope that I can live up to everyone's expectations. I ask all of you to support me in our mission to keep everyone safe and ensure that they have the chance to make the world a better place!
— Pavlos Markides
Pavlos Markides is the chief executive officer of APU Security. He was just promoted after his predecessor stepped down and named him as his successor. With this promotion he also became one of the seven Dragon Sorcerers. He gladly accepted this new opportunity and duty.


Pavlos is always well dressed in a functional manner for whatever he is doing. He has some gray in is otherwise raven black hair. He has an unremarkable face and is of average height. He is very athletic as he keeps in shape for his job. He has a large, coloured tattoo of a western dragon on his back that marks him as a dragon loyalist.

Personal History

Pavlos Markides is one of the many orphans who grew up in the care of the Children of Cassidy Society. After he grew up and aged out of the system he joined APU Security as a body guard. He received extensive training and was pushed by his mentors. In the field he showed great tactical and strategic skills. He quickly became a team and then division leader. At the age of 46 he was appointed as a dragon sorcerer and took over the position of CEO. He is still very new at everything, but strongly believes that he will be able to master this challenge. After all Cassidy herself trusts in him, how could he not trust in himself?

Supernatural Background

As a decendant of the Markides family he is capable of some witchcraft by his birth. However due to him not knowing any of his family during his childhood he was unable to properly control his powers or learn any useful spells. As a young man he finally went to research more about his family and learned a great deal. Historically, they were a powerful family in the Balkans, but were banished, because of accusations of demonic or evil practices by local powers. There is no way to tell if this was actually true as appart from Pavlos all members of his family were killed when he was still young. They were killed by a witch hunter from the guild. After learning more about his heritage he started to try and research more about his abilities, but because he mostly suppressed them during his teenage years he is very limited in their use. He can use some basic elemental witchcraft like lighting a small flame or creating an electric shock. He barely ever uses these skills as they are not very useful in his day to day life.


Pavlos owns an apartment in Harlem, where he lives with his family. His salary lets him afford many luxuries. However, most of the many he makes goes back into the foster care home that he grew up in and some local charities that work in Harlem.


Pavlos is married and has three children, a son and younger twin daughters. His wife is Jennifer Markides, who has no supernatural ancestry. She learned of his background after their oldest son lit his room on fire. Since then the relationship between Pavlos and Jennifer is tense as she has not yet forgiven him for not telling her sooner. They have been working on their differences in marriage counceling. All three of their children go to special schools for witches and warlocks. The oldest is the most gifted in his powers and loves to cause some mischief. His two younger sisters are not as talented, but know how to use their abilities to their advantage. Jennifer sometimes feels that she cannot be a good mother, because of the different nature of her children, but she does try her best. Pavlos does everything he can to make sure that his children do not grow up as he did.
Species (Ancestry)
Human (Markides)
New Yorker
Affiliations (Positions)
Dragon Loyalists (Dragon Sorcerer, The Guardian)
APU Security (Chief Executive Officer (CEO))
Year of Birth (Age)
1974 (46)
Current Residence
Currently Held Titles

Cover image: Book of Magic by TJ Trewin


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