Parkston Group | WBtV

Parkston Group

We do great work here. It just sucks that I can't tell anyone. Everyone thinks I am an accountant and all I do all day is check numbers.
— An employee.
A private intelligence company owned by Delma Alexandria Lytton after the Hostile Takeover of the Parkston Group.   The company offers various intelligence services such as industrial espionage, data collection, counter-espionage, background checks and more. These services are highly sought after and now utilized by Lytton Arms to protect themselves from human owned competitors.


Run by a small team of executives with the CEO as the top position this is a very typical corporation. The company mostly employs analysts and administrators. These are organized in various functional divisions and further spezialised in teams.   Much rarer are actual field agents. They are of course on the payroll as well, but often not directly or as contractors. Most missions assigned to these kinds of agents are in a legal gray zone if they are not outright illegal.


The company is completely unknown outside of its business customers. This is of course by design as a public profile would not be helpful to their tasks.
Intelligence Company
Noah Williams
Parent Company
Lytton Arms

Cover image: Book of Magic by TJ Trewin


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