The Orc Tribes Organization in Útgarðar | World Anvil
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The Orc Tribes

Located in the lands south and east of Hammerdeep and north of Riki Björn is the territory of the Orc Tribes. They are many varied groups with different customs and history but a few generalizations can be made.

Each tribe is made up of dozens to hundreds of members led by a chief who commands the masses through strength of will and charisma. They are then divided into many other groups, usually the cults of the various orc gods. The most powerful of these gods is Gruumsh the father and patron of the orc race.

Each tribe controls an area of territory they move between in seasonal migrations to hunt, harvest, and construct temporary farms in. They also conduct raids on the their neighbors and the lands around them striking out into the Rikis (especially Riki Björn), Hammerdeep, and Hollow Oak. These raids are conducted to collect treasure, war gear, food, and slaves.

This does not mean that orcs are against peace and trade. If a tribe has grown large enough to hold permanent territory they become relatively more peaceful and open to others. These orcs will send out raiding parties like that of the Norse kingdoms who will rape, pillage and burn in one place before trading in another. These orcs change their banner based on what they intend to do. A large red banner emblazoned with an eye means battle and raiding while a banner with the image of a bear on it means trade.

The Rikis put up with this as attacking under the banner of trade is a serious dishonor amongst orcs and any warband that does so will be ripped apart  by the other warbands with ferocity reserved for only the most perverse of traitors. The orc trading caravans are allowed to camp outside a town or village while selling their wears, most put up with them to see what valuable things they may have looted from others and to relive them of it at a low price. Even the dwarves of Hammerdeep will put up with them as the vast deluge of low quality weapons they sell can be melted into more useful ingots and scrap. That and they act as a great way to offload junk ores and cursed artifacts.

Orcs Throughout Útgarðar

Despite the general hatred of the orcish hordes and warbands individual orcs are generally accepted members of society, especially amongst nords. This can come down to a number of reasons foremost of which is that most people hate the tribes and raids not the ones that perform them. Just as Viddleland raiders are hated and traders are respected so is the same for orcs. Most, save for within the Rikis, respect them as warriors but hate their tribes and bands.

Orcs are more respected by nords than others due to the fact that they share a large number of similarities. Foremost of which is their sense of honor. Most orcs, save the worshipers of Shargaas, have a deep sense of honor and prefer a fair fight with most warbands sparing noncombatants. This is so they can be taken as slaves but still the point stands. The nordic concept of honor, telling the truth, respecting elders, and having a fair fight, is almost the same as the orcs.

An individual orc or small group entering a town will be met with suspicious stares until they prove their good spirit, and more importantly humor. This usually takes the form of the following conversation:
Nord "Ey what are ya ðoing here?"
Orc "getting a drink/looking for a fight/decided to see what a town looks like before its burnt down/witty remark."
Nord "Areght þen"
Notable Tribes
  • Tribe opendagger, located close to Hammerdeep. They have picked up some organisational and social traits from the dwarves leading to them becoming the most civilized of the tribes. They have a stable agricultural base and good defenses meaning that they are slowly drifting away from their raiding mindset, very slowly.
  • Tribe blackstar, located in between Riki Alric and Hollow Oak. They have some of the more potent spellcasters of the tribes being highly dedicated to the gods allowing vast amounts of clerics to be fielded by them.
  • Tribe bloodyhand, located in the hills between Hammerdeep and Riki Björn. They are what most people stereotypically think orcs are. Loud, brash, warlike, and with a cruel streak a mile wide. The Vigmen and the Dwarven Southern Guard were created to stop their advances. 
Geopolitical, Nomadic tribe


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