TJ's Summer Camp 2022 Pledge

My creative goal for Summer Camp this year is to have fun expanding the continent of Anvil in my world, and my motivation is to be able to create a fully interactive chronicle with many historical events and locations that are all interconnected.

Much like last year, I'm not aiming for a particular number of prompts to complete - I'm just going to worldbuild and have fun without any burnout!

I am working on a shiny new map to show you (sneak peek in the header image)!

Tackling the Themes

I've braindumped some ideas on how I might tackle the prompt themes for this year's summer camp challenge and how I can connect them in my world.

Expanse (8 copper prompts)

  1. The Nurbotu Desert (geography)
  2. The Sea of Esses (geography)
  3. The Great Stubs (geography)
  4. Bunkarest (settlement)
  5. the spread of a (species) - Beluvian Jackrabbit(?)
  6. the spread of a (language) - Kotari Signage (design/visual language)
  7. the spread of a religion (organization) - Ardorism
  8. the spread of a (tradition) - Beluvian Bondage
  9. a border dispute (conflict) - Melesh & Markor's Twenty Year Feud

Leadership (8 silver prompts)

  1. a corporation or local business (organization) - Lanta's Plantains
  2. an illicit or questionable (organization) - The Edgedancer Pirates
  3. a religion (organization) - Ranmilism
  4. a (settlement) and their laws - Fijur
  5. a political (organization) - The Maisha Party
  6. military ranks (organization/rank) - The Royal Meleshian Navy
  7. educational structure (organization/rank) - University of Kastir
  8. a renowned family - The Lanta Family
  9. a leading (technology) or (vehicle) - Cableways
  10. Satrum Septel (character)

Discovery (8 gold prompts)

  1. Rifts (natural law)
  2. Magic (natural law)
  3. Documented realms (document)
  4. magic hunger (condition)
  5. inventions & technology - Glowpaint (material?)
  6. new (species) - Bara
  7. new folk (species) - Duman
  8. a lost relic or piece of history - The Golden Knots (document/item)
  9. Ijian pink chocolate (species/item) - newly developed with maisha
  10. Xilen's realm of Euphoria (natural law/geography?)

Monstrous (7 diamond prompts)

  1. The Ranmilist's Revenge (conflict)
  2. The Seige of Silgana (conflict)
  3. Deathbringer (military unit) - disease spreaders
  4. Lord of the Edgedancer Pirates (character)
  5. gun/cannon prototype similar to puckle or volley gun (item/technology)
  6. chronic wasting disease equivalent for a type of folk ohno this will be bad (condition)
  7. propaganda targeted at newcomers from other realms
  8. a new highly controversial work of art from Satrum Septel

Writing & Accountability

Oh boy, July will be busy. I'll be writing here and there amidst juggling the exciting chaos of travelling out to Argentina and getting married to my wonderful nerd fiancé Naelin :D <3   I'm here to keep my lodge family motivated and be an accountability partner - and I'll certainly be calling on them for support in writing sprints and focus time to get some solid worlbuilding done together!

Cover image: Anvil map header image by


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Jun 4, 2022 18:51 by E. Christopher Clark

I love the shiny new map!

Track my progress on Summer Camp 2024!
Jun 6, 2022 10:04 by TJ Trewin


Journals of Yesteryear

Jun 5, 2022 13:22 by Morgan Biscup

You got this!

Lead Author of Vazdimet.
Necromancy is a Wholesome Science.
Jun 6, 2022 10:04 by TJ Trewin

Thanks Solar! You too :D

Journals of Yesteryear

Jun 5, 2022 14:11 by Dani

Ooooohhhhh I can't wait to see what you do with a chronicle :D Good luck this summer--with ALL of the magical things ahead. <3

You are doing a great job! Keep creating; I believe in you!
Luridity: Where love is love and life is lived. Contains NSFW content.
Now with serialized fiction on Ream!!
Jun 6, 2022 10:04 by TJ Trewin

Thank youuuu! <3

Journals of Yesteryear

Jun 5, 2022 23:18
Jun 6, 2022 10:04 by TJ Trewin

Thanks :D

Journals of Yesteryear

Jun 8, 2022 03:56 by Ademal

That's an exciting looking map there!

CSS Whisperer • Community Admin • Author of Ethnis
Jun 8, 2022 12:52 by TJ Trewin

thank you!! looking forward to showing it off with chronicles :D

Journals of Yesteryear

Jun 8, 2022 17:15 by Sailing Ocelot

I think this 'smol' goal is very admirable! Yay for having fun and expanding your world! The map is very awesome by the way!

~~~~~~~~ SailingOcelot
Jun 9, 2022 14:35 by TJ Trewin

thank you!

Journals of Yesteryear

Jun 9, 2022 10:06 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Good luck, TJ! I'm loving the look of the new map, too! :D

Jun 9, 2022 14:35 by TJ Trewin

thanks!! :D

Journals of Yesteryear

Jun 10, 2022 08:15 by Fall

Good luck TJ! the new map looks GORGEOUS! Can't wait to see what your chronicle looks like either, your Meta, homepage etc are beautifully animated/designed so more of that is only a good thing :D

Jun 10, 2022 10:09 by TJ Trewin

thank youuu!

Journals of Yesteryear

Jun 16, 2022 06:31 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

Verrie smol indeed, but interesting, nonetheless. God bless and much success with your plans!

Jun 16, 2022 16:30 by TJ Trewin

Thank youu :D

Journals of Yesteryear

Jun 16, 2022 19:36 by Polina "Line" Arteev

We both have a similar goal of expanding a continent in our worlds! I'm very excited to see what comes out of it :) Enjoy SummerCamp!!

Seek a new dawn, in Malkora!
Craft a bright new world, in Ayun Sovos!
The Feral Sovereign returns for Summer Camp 2024!
Jun 17, 2022 09:34 by TJ Trewin

Thanks, you too! :D

Journals of Yesteryear

Jun 21, 2022 14:23 by Rinaldo Bijker

Shiny map bud! Tutorial? Did ya use a special program?

Jun 28, 2022 23:41 by Grace Gittel Lewis

Oh my god that map looks great dude, very western...y!

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