Atlantis Settlement in Γαῖα | World Anvil
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For years Atlantis rested beneath the waves of the Atlantic as it's history slipped into legend. Until the rightful ruler was returned to the throne. Queen Jana raised the city during the overthrow of the V'sori in 2005. Now it floats over the Atlantic, once again the heart of the Atlantean Empire.   Much of the city fell into ruin during the centuries spent under water but is now well into it's reconstruction.   Atlantis is laid out in a series of rings divided by canals, each ring is dedicated to different functions, the buildings raising in stature as they approach the centre. At the centre sits the Royal Palace, Queen Jana's home and the seat of government of the Atlantean Empire.


The city is protected by a powerful defensive energy shield that covers the entire city when activated as well as gun batteries mounted at the harbours.   The most powerful defence is the Atlantean fleet who's home bases are the Mars and Jupiter harbours,


The main way of getting around atlantis is by water. The canals form the main throughfares of the city with each port connected to the centre and the rings by large arterial canals. Each of the rings is devided from the others by canals that run the full cercumferance.   The canals are not quite true canals as they are connected directly to the atlantic ocean. Because atlantis is free floating it is theoreticaly possible to swim up underneath the city and serface in one of the canals.   There are roads for land traffic however they are not as well used as in more conventional cities. The main routes run the circumferance of each ring and cross the cannals at large bridges.


Atlantis was ruled by King Meros, also known as Aquarian to the surface world. King Meros was lost during the K’tharen attack on Atlantis. It turns out that King Meros, dispite his histroy of heroism was a userper and the crown of atlantis rightfully belonged to Hydra.   Some 10,000 years ago Atlantis was the heart of a great empire, it's technology as yet unsurpassed even by the modern world. It all came to an end when the Atlanteans were forced to hide from an unrelenting enemy. Some fled to the colonies later becoming the V'sori most took shelter in Atlantis as it sank beneath the waves. They hid all traces of their presence on earth and faded into myth.


Atlantis is a free floating city with almost as much activity beneath the waves as above. Many of the city buildings have underwater docking facilities for the small submersibles that are so common.


  • Atlantis
    A map of the city of Atlantis.
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