The importance of order in Ædeos | World Anvil

The importance of order

Upon a time there was a boy, who learned of a fish that could grant a single wish but only if one longed for it with all their heart.

He travelled for days, months and years and finally arrived at the lake surrounded by snowy-peaked mountains and several small tongues of ice in places where waterfalls once were. At one end of the lake there was a stream blocked by a heavy stones. Day and night the boy removed the stones, causing more and more water to flow out of the lake, until no more than a puddle remained and within it a single giant white fish, flapping it's tail in discontent.

The boy threw his net and dragged the fish on to the land, demanding it to grant his deepest desire. At the sound of his voice, the giant stopped flapping and slowly turned its white, glistening eyes towards the intruder.

"WHY OF COURSE, MY DEAR BOY! - the voice belowed in the boy's head. WHAT IS IT THAT YOU DESIRE MOST FROM THIS WORLD?"

"I want everyone who see me to think 'respect' as the first thing that comes to their mind!"

"WHY OF COURSE, MY DEAR BOY! - the wide mouth opened slightly, unsheething thounsands of snowwhite teeth. DO YOU CARE IN WHICH ORDER THE RESPECT WILL BE FORMED?"

"Grant my wish or I'll leave you here to die! - the boy felt taunted, his face flushed with rage! I want people to think 'respect' when they see me. I don't care about some stupid order!"

"WHY OF COURSE, MY DEAR BOY! - the mouth formed a reddish smile."

Suddenly the boy felt light as a snowflake and the cold did not bother him anymore. The wind took him up and up and the light passed right through him. When the initial excitement was over the boy looked at the puddle beneath him. The dam he so painfully disassembled was now blocked by glistening blocks of pure bluish ice. The lake was once again full and crystal clear and the boy could see the giant fish, a single white shadow swimming lazily beneath the surface. He couldn't feel a thing but the memories stayed as vivid as ever. The thoughts were driving him mad and he tried to scream in order to make them go away. But the thoughts would always be there and even today his scream can be heard on cold winter days up and up, high in the mountains, near that single lake.


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Oct 29, 2023 20:22 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Oops. You should be careful around wish-granting fishies.

Emy x   Etrea | Vazdimet
Oct 30, 2023 17:37 by Angantyr

For sure! Especially those influencing life-changing circumstances. :D

Playing around with words and worlds