The il-Orah Pillars [banner] | World Anvil
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The il-Orah Pillars [banner]

When the il-Orah first arrived on PÈRYL, their initial settlement, deep in the caverns of what would be known as Sarn, was known as Daoc-nor. In its centre, was the holy site of the arrival and the three primary deities were honoured by three pillars. Over time the shrine became an elaborate temple called Yurayurai, and the entire city, its holy site, and the three pillars were called Daoc Yurayurai-nor.   The red, orange, black, and burgundy pillar was in honour of Bacchiah.
Opposite it was the blue, grey, white, and purple Pillar of Gréigh.
And between them the multihued, mulitcoloured, Pillar of Nanor.

Each of the Three Pillars were carved one single piece of a marble-like substance. It is lost to time as to where such stone was quarried as there are no such stone beds anywhere in Gruthe. It is suggested they were brought from wherever it was that originated the il-Orah, but even this is but speculation.

Original Title
The Three Pillars at Yurayurai


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