Derpy adventurers in a cave of spiders by Alleraia | World Anvil

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Mon 25th May 2020 03:40

Derpy adventurers in a cave of spiders

by Alleraia Ravenswhisper

Hoping for a long rest, our party sets up watch groups. Caldae has an uneventful watch, but then during Osha's watch a she and Pip hear a creepy child sing song voice, prompting them to wake Alleraia to set a snare trap at the entrance to the campsite. However, no further sounds are heard and everyone gets a successful long rest. Droop and Pip don't have any useful information about the ghostly child singing. Seigrane distributes portions of Divine Ale to everyone.
We got a slow start entering back into the darkness of the cave to explore. Siegrane collects 2 doucherooms near a smal crevice that Caldae is going to try to enter. Caldae lights up the crevice with her produce flame spell, discovering a small pool with a scattering of slim bones. Upon investigation she discovers what seems to be a long series of wirey, oddly elongated bones that spiral out in all directions from this small cavern, and in addition an entire skeleton of a creature known as a purple worm. Purple worms are a large subterranean known to have wiped out entire expedition parties at once. Next she finds a fresher skeleton of a human, still donning its armor. It has a large bird of prey with outstretched wings etched into the armor. Next to it is a signet ring with the familiar insignia Alleraia thinks we should leave this place. It is not a good day to die!
Caldae insists on continuing exploring the cavern alone and notices a strange rod sticking out of the wall. flat and iron and flat, and sees a small metal button on the wall! She pushes the button with the Quarterstaff and hears a rushing torrent of water, Caldae begins running and jumps to the side grabbing onto the side of the cavern for dear life. Siegrane attempts to crawl through the crevice to rescue Caldae. He makes it through the crevice and ties a rope to the soggy halfling. The dwarf and the halfling insist on continuation of exploring the cave. It is now ankle deep in running water. Siegrane finds more bones, this time of some enormous creature, with teeth the size of a hand in the pile. Osha takes one of the teeth as a souvenir, and Siegrane collects some more Doucherooms., 5 to be exact, and 3 creeamsop mushrooms.
We find ourselves in the cavern of the Wizard Glasstaff, who makes an appearance and promptly traps us in the cavern by collapsing all entrances. There is a portal on one wall that we can;t figure out how to operate. Osha broke a vile of poison, and it is slowly filling the cavern. Caldae finds a caged boar and badger and attempts communication. Alleraia tries to heal the Boar but her spell kills the Boaar instead of healing it. Before it dies it gurgles the word "Gargala". Siegrane uses the key to free the badger who tries to show us the way out, but a giant spider appears.
We kill the spider with the help of the Badger and he show us the way out, but Howdore sadly won't fit. Caldae and Pip follow the Badger out of the cavern and search for another way to get Howdore out. Osha tries to motivate Howdore into action by threatening Droops life. Howdore goes into a rage and hurls his body at the crevice trying to smash his way through, but is unsuccessful and ends up with injuries. Meanwhile, Caldae is following the Badger, while Pip tries to get his breath back. The Badger charges up a deep winding tunnel, signaling it is the way out.
Back in the wizards cavern, the others have cleared the rubble trying to get to Howdore. Since Howdore has been unsuccessful in getting through the crevice, we must find another way. Pip and Caldae find a chain on the wall on the other side of the rubble. Pip pulls it, as the floor falls away and Pip almost falls to his death. Now there is room for Howdore to escape, but he needs a way across. We decide to try to move the table across the hole to make a bridge. Alleraia takes the Nightshade from the table. The table bridge is a success!! Everyone is safely across the hole! Another fucking hole!
We pass a pile of corpses wrapped in spider silk, wretching on the smell. We see some gray cloaks with a Boar insignia and Caldae finds a note!
We follow the tunnel the Badger used. it is dark, long, and scary. We finally emerge into the light!! We realize we are near Adabras place outside of town! Caldae and Siegrane go back into the tunnel one more time so Caldaae can ignite the remaining baby spiders on fire, getting their revenge! They run back up the tunnel to join their friends, and the group heads back to town.