Session 4 12/3/22 by Donaar | World Anvil

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Fri 30th Dec 2022 05:10

Session 4 12/3/22

by Donaar Raghthroknaar

While hiking through the wilderness, Verna expertly spotted a disabled construct in the distance, upon further inspection, Kalus was camped out near there. I'm not sure why, but I feel bad for the way he is treated in town. He may seem tough, but I have a feeling there's a heart in there somewhere. We join him in his camp and have a lively discussion about current events.
I am able to read some of the runes inscribed on the great tree of life, and Rex attempts to interact with them. He might be smart, but he's awfully not clever sometimes. The Church is involved again and up to no good.
After resting, Klaus agrees to escort us to the obelisk. On the way, we battle two metal worms. The sound of my armor and Rex's footsteps made it impossible to avoid detection.
Fortunately, they were not as large as the monstrosity at camp and with some difficulty we were able to dispatch them. Kalus seems appalled that we do not have adamantine weapons. I'm not sure how we were supposed to know to bring those, but fortunately we search the area and find some. It felt wonderful to destroy our enemies without losing a single soldier. Damage was sustained, but nothing I could not heal. My powers are growing.
Rather than continuing, we returned to camp to rest up after that battle and familiarize ourselves with our new weapons. I acquired a useful flail.
Adamantine Flail 1d8.