Session 12 4/22/23 by Donaar | World Anvil

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Thu 18th May 2023 04:15

Session 12 4/22/23

by Donaar Raghthroknaar

We decide to rest in the newly reclaimed bandit camp. During my watch, some critters come to feed on the dead. Nature doing it's thing - nothing out of the ordinary. A few get too close, and decide that a live snack would be better. I rouse the others for some more slaying. One tries to feed on me, and Vera expertly shoots it off of me.
We decide to head back to town now that everyone is up, taking the loot with us including the merchant items and the functional ballista. It's a little tricky to carry all of it, but we make it. We also get 12 fey stones - 3 each (10s)
The merchants pay us 150 gold, which we split 37g50s each. We donate the ballista to the local guards. A good bribe to the right people can go a long way.
A letter is waiting for us with some cryptic clues to go back to the forest. We stop to get Adam along the way.
Back at the obelisk, we climb it again, then go back down and through a ritual where we locate two other buttons. One in a field and one underground. Rex had pushed one, but was acting strange. I decide it's time to push all three, at which point the world opens up to me. I can see the path. I lead the others, but they cannot follow. I tell them to go push the buttons as well, and then we are all in a spirit world of sorts.
We end up working our way through a confusing maze and work through some puzzling traps, but we make it through.
Nerine is waiting for us! She lets us know about the Red Dragons. Something is very wrong with the world, and it's up to us to fix it.
Gained 37 gold 80 silver. (Converted 3 fey stones to 30 silver)