Session 5 12/17/22 by Donaar | World Anvil

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Fri 30th Dec 2022 05:50

Session 5 12/17/22

by Donaar Raghthroknaar

After returning to camp, Wabnuc was able to activate the large construct. If he can learn to control it, it will be a formidable tool for our excursions. We take turns on watch while the rest sleep. While on watch, De Sir E allowed us to be ambushed by spiders!
Fortunately, the others appeared to learn how to fight after our recent battles and the spiders were dispatched with relative ease. They fought to the last spider, and then he tried to escape. That could not be allowed of course, and I felt a divine urge to duel that one in particular. He accepted the duel, and came back down the tree to meet his demise. I will need to cultivate this power, I feel like it will be useful in the future. Klaus required healing, and nearly the entire group required my healing touch to cleanse them from the spider's poison. How hard is it to avoid getting bit? My strength could only handle healing two after the battle, and the others had to wait until morning.
Wabnuc figured out we could have two of our party ride inside of his new pet construct. Of course, I was one of the passengers. Rex unfortunately was the other passenger. This allowed our group to pass silently through the forest. I'm not entirely sure how the giant construct is quieter than I am; there must be magic in play surrounding the construct.
There were nearly a few incidents along the way, Rex tried to leave the construct and blow our stealth. I dryly tole him "Stop, wait, come back" knowing full well there is no reasoning with him when he gets a notion in his head. He seems to want his own pet like Wabnuc.
Eventually, we do get spotted by a floating construct who manages to paralyze nearly all of us. I shake off the curse after some difficulty, and find that Wabnuc is nearly dead! I rush over and with a holy swing, smite the construct into oblivion. Really, there was nothing left after I struck it. The others come to, and we continue on our way.
We arrive at the obelisk, Wabnuc and Rex start to study it. It sounds like one of the elemental gems are out of power. I don't pay too close attention, knowing when to delegate responsibility is important and they are both more than capable of figuring out the next step. I try to ascertain how safe we are here - it appears there is no wildlife in our general area. That can be either good, or incredibly dangerous. Being cautious, the party decides it would be better to camp back at one of the watch towers we passed along the way.
While we are making our way back to the tower, a few more worm constructs come out. Initially they are just interested in riding our construct, but eventually we need to destroy them as well. Rex is incredibly pleased as now he thinks he has enough parts to build himself a pet.
So many successful battles have occurred since those two failures in the swamp with the frog people and in the field with the zombie. Victory is sweet. I think we are on a roll, and if we can stay focused we can accomplish our goal. My strength is growing and it is time to take my oath. I cannot forget where I have come from and those I lost. I will swear an oath of vengeance on those who destroyed my home, and endeavor to protect the innocent.
Peace is a lie.
There is only passion,
Through passion I gain strength,
Through strength I gain power,
Through power, I gain victory
Through victory my foes are broken.
I will set Eberron free.
Achieved level 3.
HP to 23.
Spell slots: 3 First level
Lay on Hands to 15 points
Divine Health - immunity to disease
Channel Divinity - two powers
Oath of Vengeance
- Oath spells: Bane, Hunter's Mark
- Abjure Enemy CD1
- Vow of Enmity CD2