Session 16 7/1/23 by Donaar | World Anvil

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Fri 28th Jul 2023 08:22

Session 16 7/1/23

by Donaar Raghthroknaar

Our journey to the temple is nearly complete, we can see it rising off in the distance! While we are on the path, a lone ranger steps out to introduce himself. He is Vanon, and has a pet panther. He offers to help us on our quest as he was investigating a cult in the area as well. It's odd to meet a friendly face in these parts, but stranger things have happened.
Barely a stone's throw from where we met Vanon, we see some obvious hostiles. They are creepy looking humanoids. Miles decides to introduce himself after how well the last new introduction went. Apparently, there's some cult of everlasting life that has taken over the temple. It sounds fishy, but Miles seems to be falling for it. I think he's overlooked the details about it being more an everlasting death than everlasting life. Eventually, Vanon gets fed up and tries to shoot an arrow at the cultist, but drops the arrow somehow. I never thought I'd see a worse combatant than Miles, but someone here we are. We'll fortunately I have no qualms about dispatching those who have regular dealings with undead. We make relatively short work of them.
Closer to the temple, we notice that the cultists have entrenched themselves and have a manticore with them! Several in fact! This could be interesting. Combat ensues of course, and to my surprise Miles is competent when it comes to shooting things out of the air with his fire. Apparently, when things are above the trees he doesn't hit the trees. It's quite a battle this time. The village Shaman nearly gets taken, but we manage to rescue him again.
After the battle, we find the boat after looting the cultist's belongings. The Shaman had forgot to mention that the boat could reduce in size and was extremely portable. I'll need to ask him why it was stored here instead of in town where it could be more useful....
We make camp in the temple as we prepare for the next leg of our journey.
Gain 1 potion of healing