A Letter to Mara by Cearbhall | World Anvil

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23rd Julyeth 1062AF

A Letter to Mara

by Cearbhall Kingshield

Dear Mara,
I must begin by apologising for not delivering the sword to you in person but duty keeps me on the road at Prince Martin's side, something your husband was keen I dedicate myself to.
I can only offer my deepest and most sincere sympathies for Master Tawaka's death. His passing was a great loss to me so I can only imagine what it has been like for you. No doubt you have heard many rumours about the circumstances surrounding the events that led to your husband's death so allow me to relay the facts of what happened, if nothing else to put your mind at ease of Master Tawaka's valour and honour.
We, the company of myself, Master Tawaka, Prince Martin and Takuma Yoshio, were journeying out of Rabbitown, heading towards Raman, when we were attacked by the same demonic servant of the Other King that slew Master Sodo at Berwich. Prince Martin and Takuma being highly trained and well skilled in the Wyrdian arts set about deploying magical runes around the town in order to save the townsfolk and move them to safety. Master Tawaka and I, being of more use with our swords, faced down this foe and engaged him in combat. Being nowhere near as adept as Master Tawaka, I wasn't much use in the fight and your husband spent most of it fighting the Other alone. He did so with great courage as he too had witnessed Master Sodo's death at this monster's hand and with incredible skill held his own and fended off the fiend allowing the townsfolk to gather in the town square so Prince Martin and Takuma could deploy their magic. However, the Other soon figured out our plan and turned his attention to our Wyrdians, Master Tawaka and I chased him down and engaged him in what became a brawl. Just as Prince Martin activated the spell to indeed teleport us along with the entire populace back to Stormont, the Other plunged his dagger into Master Tawaka's heart, killing him instantly.
Forgive the gruesomeness of my words but this is how it was. Your husband died a hero, giving his life so that innocents could escape danger and keep theirs. But as much as it was the Other who killed him, I must confess that I too am to blame for Master Tawaka's death. I was not strong enough, not fast enough, not skilled enough. Had I been, Master Tawaka and I could have fought as one, one solid unit, unbreakable and we'd have seen off this threat. This Other is Lord Ademere, the Dread Bobcat of the North, the very villain from all those stories of me in my youth, the assassin who tried to murder King Edward, resurrected by dark magic by the Other King. Being confronted by such a face from my past, I cannot help but feel as if I hesitated and that if I had not, your husband would still be with us.
I must beg for more forgiveness for my failings, for my further failings. Masters Sodo and Tawaka were the best teachers anyone could ask for but I failed to pick up their lessons quick enough to make a difference and in the end both of them had to step up when I could not and both times resulted in the very best of men losing their lives.
I pray that the gods watch over you Mara and your coming child, that you can find some form of peace with Master Tawaka's passing and indeed pride in the man he was.
yours repentantly,
Sir Cearbhall Kingshield

Continue reading...

  1. The Tale of Sir Cearbhall Kingshield
  2. The Fall of Sir Cearbhall Kingshield
  3. The Rebirth of Sir Cearbhall Kingshield
  4. Thoughts and Images
    Start date: 10th Aprileth 1062AF, End date: 19th Mayeth 1062AF
  5. A Letter to Mrs Kingshield
    20th Mayeth 1062AF
  6. A Long Journey
    1st Juneth 1062AF
  7. On the road again
    15th Juneth 1062AF
  8. Sole Survivor
    25th Juneth 1062AF
  9. Legacy
    15th Julyeth 1062AF
  10. A Letter to Mara
    23rd Julyeth 1062AF
  11. Momentum
    27th Julyeth 1062AF
  12. What a true Lion looks like
    6th Augustyth 1062AF
  13. Those that haunt us
    10th Augustyth 1062AF
  14. Heartsick
    10th Augustyth 1062AF
  15. The end is near
    24th Augustyth 1062AF
  16. Just one more mess
    1st Septembereth 1062AF
  17. What I want
    4th Septembereth 1062AF
  18. Victory
    Aftermath of the final battle
  19. A journey of goodbyes
    The eve before departure
  20. The End of Sir Cearbhall Kingshield