Momentum by Cearbhall | World Anvil

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27th Julyeth 1062AF


by Cearbhall Kingshield

Well here we are, the Origin Festival now behind us and we're back on the road heading to Indyan. I believe that things are coming together for us after our nightmares on the road and in the forest. I for once saw considerable success at the Origin Festival. I didn't expect to perform so well in the bull race as to come second nor write a poem that was initially so well received. This time I climbed the tree too, my last chance to, reaching the top first, there's life in these old legs yet. I recall refraining from these events last time I was here as I was in the company of not only the King but of the other leaders of the Realm and other distinguished nobles and knights. As a young and newly appointed knight I felt it unwise to upstage any of these veterans, it would have made me look like a big show-off.
I think the most important thing for me though is that I knighted Martin. With the Shogun, Rao Sahib, many prominent nobles and a hoard of commonfolk present, I must confess that I used the opportunity to knight Martin in as big a public way as possible as to draw the most attention to it. If I have regained any of my reputation then me knighting the disputed heir to the throne will hopefully only add legitimacy to his claim. The people will flock back to their homes and tell their families and friends of how they saw the Kingshield knight the Prince of Callic. You can't deny it's a striking story. But Martin has earned it nonetheless, I would not have knighted him otherwise. It was my timing that I chose so strategically.
Takuma too has recovered from his wounds and seemed in fine form in the courtroom just before we attended the festival. His silver tongue gleaming brighter than usual.
I feel as if we are all coming into our own a little bit more. Since formally becoming Martin's tutor, I must confess an increase in my confidence. I certainly take matters a lot more seriously, my mindset is almost how it was as I travelled from Stophord to Berwich at the start of the war. We are in a prelude to war after all. Martin continues to act with the authority he has without overstepping his bounds and remains very focused on uniting the realm in order that it might survive, who sits on the throne be damned especially if there is no throne. Takuma remains a pleasant companion to have. A calming influence when the Prince puts his foot in it (something he does a lot), able to smooth over any tenuous situation, a real diplomatic touch. A good drinking partner and a poor gambler, just my cup of tea.
Martin continues to make plans as to we may best combat the Other King and how the other realms may remain safe as we journey collecting the remaining relics. With the Raja himself our next stop, the Shogun already well on our side and even Arthur shoring up Stormont's defences, it would seem that Martin's plans are falling into place. I hope things continue this smoothly with the Great Swamp on the horizon.

Continue reading...

  1. The Tale of Sir Cearbhall Kingshield
  2. The Fall of Sir Cearbhall Kingshield
  3. The Rebirth of Sir Cearbhall Kingshield
  4. Thoughts and Images
    Start date: 10th Aprileth 1062AF, End date: 19th Mayeth 1062AF
  5. A Letter to Mrs Kingshield
    20th Mayeth 1062AF
  6. A Long Journey
    1st Juneth 1062AF
  7. On the road again
    15th Juneth 1062AF
  8. Sole Survivor
    25th Juneth 1062AF
  9. Legacy
    15th Julyeth 1062AF
  10. A Letter to Mara
    23rd Julyeth 1062AF
  11. Momentum
    27th Julyeth 1062AF
  12. What a true Lion looks like
    6th Augustyth 1062AF
  13. Those that haunt us
    10th Augustyth 1062AF
  14. Heartsick
    10th Augustyth 1062AF
  15. The end is near
    24th Augustyth 1062AF
  16. Just one more mess
    1st Septembereth 1062AF
  17. What I want
    4th Septembereth 1062AF
  18. Victory
    Aftermath of the final battle
  19. A journey of goodbyes
    The eve before departure
  20. The End of Sir Cearbhall Kingshield