A journey of goodbyes by Cearbhall | World Anvil

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The eve before departure

A journey of goodbyes

by Cearbhall Kingshield

This will be the last entry I write in this journal. It has been a great help for me clearing my head, getting my thoughts in order and allowing me to reflect on my life. Here at last my life in the Great Realm comes to an end for tomorrow I shall begin my journey of goodbyes and fond farewells. I have lived a life a service, of duty and loyalty and I would say of selflessness, lapses here and there for sure, nobody's perfect but I know all to well the toll that can take on you. You always end up fighting someone else's battles and paying the price for it. As fulfilling as individual achievements can be, it is ultimately a life that leaves you empty, perhaps because you have never given anytime to yourself, you have only ever been a willing tool for others to forge something better for themselves. As a Knight and a soldier I helped two Kings forge their kingdoms. I am proud of the aid I gave but ultimately the full extent of the achievement is theirs and sincere congratulations to them but it's time I stopped being a pawn in someone else's life and became the king of my own.
Everything is in place, Martin very kindly gifted me a small ship to venture forth on, I think I shall call it The Company as that is the sense of feeling I wish to inspire in anyone who journeys with me. Takuma reforged his magical mask into a ring to alter my appearance and voice behind a glamour spell so long as I wear it that way no one will recognise me and remind me of my life here. I have my memories for that, the good and the bad. With these I shall see Sir Cearbhall Kingshield laid to rest. I think he will be looked back upon favourably by the people, not just as a warrior but a hero who sacrificed everything he had for his friends and the good of the realm. I doubt he could ask for more than that.
I still do not yet know where I will go but therein lies the beauty. I have a ship and three whole corners of the world I have never seen. I look forward to the adventure of exploring.
Farewell my friends, it has been an honour and privilege to have known and served beside you.
Sir Cearbhall Kingshield

Continue reading...

  1. The Tale of Sir Cearbhall Kingshield
  2. The Fall of Sir Cearbhall Kingshield
  3. The Rebirth of Sir Cearbhall Kingshield
  4. Thoughts and Images
    Start date: 10th Aprileth 1062AF, End date: 19th Mayeth 1062AF
  5. A Letter to Mrs Kingshield
    20th Mayeth 1062AF
  6. A Long Journey
    1st Juneth 1062AF
  7. On the road again
    15th Juneth 1062AF
  8. Sole Survivor
    25th Juneth 1062AF
  9. Legacy
    15th Julyeth 1062AF
  10. A Letter to Mara
    23rd Julyeth 1062AF
  11. Momentum
    27th Julyeth 1062AF
  12. What a true Lion looks like
    6th Augustyth 1062AF
  13. Those that haunt us
    10th Augustyth 1062AF
  14. Heartsick
    10th Augustyth 1062AF
  15. The end is near
    24th Augustyth 1062AF
  16. Just one more mess
    1st Septembereth 1062AF
  17. What I want
    4th Septembereth 1062AF
  18. Victory
    Aftermath of the final battle
  19. A journey of goodbyes
    The eve before departure
  20. The End of Sir Cearbhall Kingshield