Sending to Matti - 25 Perus, 525 DC; Mil Pont by Mirette | World Anvil

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25 Perus, 525 DC

Sending to Matti - 25 Perus, 525 DC; Mil Pont

by Mirette Durand

I cast sending to THE EMPEROR-REGENT! We spoke IN HIS MIND and we stopped an assassination attempt on his life. This is better than storybooks!
It did all feel a bit too easy though. I don’t know that we’ve actually stopped the Bronze Butcher though the man claimed that’s who he was. Bah. I am no good for the political intrigue- I leave that for our good Emperor Regent and his Magi and Justicars to sort out.
In the meantime, still no word from you, which is worrying and more than a little rude. Ah well, I shall continue to send word of our exploits so that you can be incredibly jealous of how awesome I am. Ha! You’re the worst and I miss you. Good night Matti.

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  4. Sending to Matti - 25 Perus, 525 DC; Mil Pont
    25 Perus, 525 DC