Sending to Matti - 16 Perus, 525 DC; West Pont by Mirette | World Anvil

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16 Perus, 525 DC

Sending to Matti - 16 Perus, 525 DC; West Pont

by Mirette Durand

Hello Matti, you giant butt-face.
So. Today was a harder day for me- I got my ear partially shot off by a crossbow bolt.
The party might not stick together through this hunt for the Bronze Butcher, and YOU WON'T FREAKING ANSWER ME. C'est vraiment chiant, tu sais bien? Ugh.
I sort of wish you had been there to see it though! I shattered a whole restaurant! Don't worry, don't worry, it wasn't that good of a restaurant. I know you and I agree that food is sacred, but I think you would've been ok with this. (Besides I perhaps was exaggerating a small bit when I just said the whole restaurant. It was more like 1/4 of a restaurant. And it deserved it! or well....the owner deserved it I guess.) All those times Fabien used to tease me and tell me I was useless- haha! Not so useless now tete de noed. It took all my willpower to remain scary-looking and not immediately start laughing with excitement. I suppose it's bad form to crow over someone's body after you blasted them into the next life with sheer noise - and no I don't mean my SINGING voice, thank you very much. You guys are so mean to me about that, but I think the rendition I did of "La Bataille de Vallac" was simply so moving that everyone in the tavern couldn't handle anymore and so asked me to stop. I suppose now I should be grateful I mostly tell stories... I'm not sure how well I'll carry a tune with only 1.3 ears. Luckily I had plenty of excess beauty, so even missing my ear I'll still be the more attractive twin! Ha!
I know my sendings only gave you the first bit of this message, (I think up to Ugh. ) but I feel better knowing you are out there somewhere, so I'll just keep talking to you even if you can't hear me. (not that it really matters since t'es un blaireau et t'es nul and you won't ever answer me. Qu'est-ce tu branles??? Get your skinny butt back here. I'm sure someone, somewhere is missing you by now.Probably. Maybe. It's definitely not me though.) I wish you could meet my new friends though! I think you'd love them. I definitely would be in much worse shape without them....probably wouldn't be in the exact same life-threatening scrapes without them either, but ce n'est rien.
In conclusion:
You are a giant, raging asshole, et je te déteste de m'avoir abondonné. Fuck. Fuck you. You'd better be ok so I can kill you when I find you.
......Tu me manques vachement Moitié. S'il te plaît, sois prudent.

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  1. Sending to Matti - 16 Perus, 525 DC; West Pont
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