Sending to Matti - 21 Perus, 525 DC; Alennesse by Mirette | World Anvil

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21st of Perus

Sending to Matti - 21 Perus, 525 DC; Alennesse

by Mirette Durand

We escaped Lady-Pirates today. Reallllllyy wish we could've joined The Sisterhood, but we'd never leave Isi. Wellllllllll, and they didn't exactly offer. Fuck. Miss You.
Isi seemed really upset when we were put into the secret wall-dungeon. You would've loved it! The one lady-pirate hit a brick on the wall and it just slid back a whole section of the wall. There were old musty skeletons still left in there and everything. I tried to find any clues as to who they were, but there wasn't a lot left. C'est la vie, n'est-ce pas? Anyways, Isi (who's normally pretty mild-mannered) seemed to really be on edge. And yes, yes, I know you're sitting there going "Ah, but Mirette, wouldn't one normally be on edge when thrown into a cell by blood-thirsty pirates?" (Since you never actually respond I can make imaginary you sound as stuffy as I want in my head. HA.) And yes, stupid imaginary-Matti, one might, but this wasn't the worst capturing we'd had in the last 24 hours! We still had all our stuff, most of our spells and several different options. I don't know, but I am quite worried for my friend. He seemed almost hardened by the end of it; ready to slay a pirate in her bed as she slept just to be free. Peu commun, hors du commun.
....Laelia left us as well. *sigh* Maybe she's right? Are we actually any closer to our goal? Ugh. It's one step forwards, two steps back it feels, and yet ANOTHER group has my full name. oops. Maybe I'm not actually cut out for serious things. I took this job thinking maybe Maman and Papa will take me more seriously when I prove that I too can do great things, but I think perhaps not so much now. Crap. Now that I think about it, I should NOT have wasted my sending on your stupid head and should've Sent to Maman to tell her to ignore any possible ransom notes she might get. Putain. Why does my mouth go so much faster than my brain????
Eh bien. I did meet a very nice inn-keeper who seems resigned to his fate as an Inn Keeper- in Allenesse no less, le pauvre! His inn has quite an amusing name; if I ever find you I can tell you all about it. Someday perhaps.
And then you can share all the stories of what you've been up to as well. I look forward to hearing them, and hearing your laugh again. For now though, I'll just continue bugging you every second I get. Got to use my Gydhiela-given gifts for good somehow, even if you can only hear the first portion of everything I have to say. Ah well, "can't have everything you want in this life" as Sylvain used to say. Goodnight Matti!

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  1. Sending to Matti - 16 Perus, 525 DC; West Pont
    16 Perus, 525 DC
  2. Sending to Matti - 21 Perus, 525 DC; Alennesse
    21st of Perus
  3. Sending to Matti - 23 Perus, 525 DC; Alennesse
    23 Perus, 525 DC
  4. Sending to Matti - 25 Perus, 525 DC; Mil Pont
    25 Perus, 525 DC