Sending to Matti - 23 Perus, 525 DC; Alennesse by Mirette | World Anvil

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23 Perus, 525 DC

Sending to Matti - 23 Perus, 525 DC; Alennesse

by Mirette Durand

You ever wonder what Maman might look like when she's really old? ..... On a completely unrelated note, we made new friends yesterday - Theia and Faadil!
They're both really nice, and they helped us explode a FLESH GOLEM terrorizing Alennesse. Well. They fought - I exploded it. With shatter ......handy spell.
Poor Isi was covered in...goop. Beurk! I did feel quite bad about that, but what a story to tell. Oh, I also had some nice flashbacks to Famien and Lucien practicing their polymorph spells. Got to spike a Frogged Justicar on the ground in order to help break the form. C'était incroyable. Truly, if you had been there we would've been howling remembering all the trouble we all got in when we were younger....wish you were still around to join in the new fun, but maybe some day you'll respond to me. We also fought ZOMBIES and faced off against the woman we've been calling The Finder. I found this powerful rapier amongst the goods as well! I'll be sure to keep Maëlys of course, but a magical rapier can never hurt to add to the inventory!
I wish I could tell you all the details but until I can, I'll just keep Sending you annoying thoughts, and all my love.

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  2. Sending to Matti - 21 Perus, 525 DC; Alennesse
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  3. Sending to Matti - 23 Perus, 525 DC; Alennesse
    23 Perus, 525 DC
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