3/18/23 by "Big" Geno | World Anvil

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Sun 19th Mar 2023 12:19


by "Big" Geno Cabaretti

Q1: Do you want to grow up to be like your parents? A1:Due to the nature of goblin child-rearing, I am not super sure who that would be. Ma Goblin is a banger role model though.
BEGIN SESSION - Gained INSP for notes
We begin by planning for the meeting with Vandran. Yun, Marda, and Druss are going to do the talking, while the rest of us wait in the background. We scout out the ziggurat before the meeting, but Marda is clocked by guards all the time. Melfine notes that the ziggurat has been improved by the myconids with pneumatic tubes and such. I use the time to come up to speed on the group's goals, and learn from Leona's behaviour that she doesn't seem to trust Yun, but likes me. Despite this, she still always keeps herself between me and the big egg. Before the meeting, we all go to some fancy bath house, but I do not partake, in order to protect my grease stockpiles.
We plan to make it to the ziggurat at 11:17PM, but do not. 11:30PM we arrive and wait. After some time, there is a half-elf, the clerk from Daja, waiting in the darkened doorway. Druss begins the engagement, but Vandran diverts to Melfine and myself for a second, then returns to Druss and asks how we found them. "Luck," Druss says, which Vandran 100% buys.
Q1: War in Terrytown? Not their business, they don't make those calls, but we should spend resources closer to home.
Q2: Crimson Dragons? Bane to Vandran long before previous display in Cherwood. Vandran's job is to keep the wars cold. Druss offers corruption info, but Vandran has already looked into such. Vandran doesn't like
vigilantism. Melfine offers to help out, but Vandran respects due process. Spellen is called out too, but Vandran doesn't know what they are. Vandran can see the connection between the turtle and the wraith it seems.
This turtle business really seems to frustrate them, but they don't make headway.
Q3: Bad Undertow? Vandran doesn't like them much, they traffic in humans. Once the Bad Undertow finished the Black Legion, they're gonna become a bigger problem. We could maybe work this out, deal like. There is
also a sinister person affiliating with these baddies. We are to investigate a high-ranking merchant (Henry Hotfoot, Tabaxi, he looks like her actual cat) in Cherwood. They are going to be on the inaugural train trip to
Lake Town for a meeting, which is leaving in 3 days. It's sold out though. The trip is at least a month. How are we gonna fuck this pig? Druss checks out something about the fall of Davenport? The Black Legion is
fielding retirees and losing. The city will fall in 3 months, approximately. To get to talk to Vandran, we can reach out ot Skullcrusher or Mulder. Maybe just go to Davenport after and bring more info back, or kill the
baddies.Vandran's official title is "Commander." Druss does some pp may-zure over Charles Corbin and they sort of don't overtly threaten each other but let it be known what they know.
Vandran fucks off with some more flair. Bedtime back at Myths and Legends. Max is reading to the egg.
In the morning, we have to set about getting tickets for the train. Melfine and Marda go to talk to Aurane and Rorin for their tickets. (I lost one INSP for "deskticles.") Celia (Senior Executive Assistant) and Kel are working, Aurane is just waiting in a pool of anxiety before leaving on the trip. He gives them 3 tickets. Druss and I head to Holden's workshop and I beeline for Ricky and pow-wow about what he got into over the time apart. Druss went looking for Oliver, but didn't see him at the usual spots. Druss and I talk about refitting Ricky to be a steel cradle, and we think that works out. Holden walks up with Oliver in tow. Druss asks for their train tickets, but they are left in the office and we don't know if there are any remaining. We go check the office here at the workshop, and there are two all-access passes left. We take them. Then I am approached by a gnome employee, who is a huge fan of Ricky and is thankful for him having been around for the week.
Druss finds Gayle Whales (skyship captain) and asks for a ride to Davenport. The skyship is following along with the train to Lake Town, and they can help us if nothing goes awry. We have to use some licorice candies to get Holden to issue the orders to Oliver who will tell the ship that they can help us. Druss wants Bellia to come too, for the birth of the child. Holden signs the orders thinking they are a receipt for the licorice candies. Oliver adds it to the schedules. Yun hooks up with the Marquis, vigorously, and gets some more tickets (1 dope all-access). Then Melfine and Marda go to see Rorin. It...goes. They get 3 business class tickets. Melfine and Marda stalk Henry before departure, learning he lunches in the sun and likes old maps. Druss learns that Max is coming too. To make the steel cradle, Ricky is positioned in the workshop to be a nice statue, and Mikey (Michelangelo) is born to hold the egg.
We have 2 extra business-class tickets, sell them for 4,000gp. Then time for the train.
INSP Inventory: INSP, +d6