5/18/24 by "Big" Geno | World Anvil

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Sat 18th May 2024 07:46


by "Big" Geno Cabaretti

Q: What is your favorite type of cloud? A: Cirrocumulus, for reasons of similarity to popcorn chicken.
Melfine's puppeted corpse is on deck, and Spike has the look of hunger about him. He manages to monch 8 toes before being stopped by Melfine. I engage in repairs for the ship, and the day moves to evening. I utilize the downtime after repairs to Identify the shiny bauble I'd found on the train. It is a gilded luck stone (d100 roll, 75 or higher it doesn't work that day. +1 to ability checks and saving throws. It's silver in color, and looks like the Chicago Bean, about fist-sized). The day ends, and some The Dreaming is afoot. While repairing the ship, I had made some friends with the thrillseekers on payroll, which is obviously who would volunteer to hang off the ship and fix the hull. They're bro-y and casual about the high-stakes things we went through, and we drink it up, maybe a little too much. I make my way to my bunk, the lower under Yun. I dream of a shop bursting with magical oddities, absurd as they are powerful. I can hear and smell family around, Aunt Rita is cooking up her famous bracciole, but I realize I'm not really home. I'm out adventuring, on the road gaining new experiences, and then I'm in a blank plane. Ricky, Mikey, and Sylvio are all there, and paths lead off to various futures. Sitting on a blanket, Astrea is there in full plate, but I don't know who she is. I move to the location, and am invited to sit. Astrea pulls charcuterie components from the picnic basket, and spreads them before us. They're a little off from traditional components, but all delicious. We never speak, but she tosses grapes at me. I spend a moment to calibrate, and begin trying to catch them in my mouth. The ones that miss circle the space around me, and I awaken. I can cast Melf's Minute Meteors now.
On day 3, the sun sets. Most of us are vibing on the main deck, listening to Yun pluck out a tune. Emerging forth from the Astral Plane is a fancy creature reminiscent of the Kraken that the crew had fought before. Combat ensues, and I order Sylvio to protect the rear ballista. I am grappled by a tentacle of the kraken, and when the captain takes evasive maneuvers, am left floating above the Astral Sea, further above the regular Sea. Yun fires off quite a blast against the main body, and then talks shit to it for a minute. A lot of fighting, hurting, and general chaos occurs, before a number of tentacles are beaten down. Yun issues a Command that the beast depart, and it does. The crew tries to shake the trauma of this event from their minds. Melfine collects Stormy the earth genasi's blood in a vial, maybe thinking they're flirting?, and cures his wounds. Melfine milks a tentacle for its blood, successfully. She also spends a lot of time with Stormy, doing some talking.
Ship HP: 344 (beginning) ; return to full 400 after repairs by me and the crew.
INSP Inventory: nothing