7/15/23 by "Big" Geno | World Anvil

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Sat 15th Jul 2023 07:59


by "Big" Geno Cabaretti

Q1: How does your character feel in this moment?(Post-recap) A1: Not worried (yet) about the use of magic, too amped from fighting and running away invisibly. Yes worried about Mikey (stored at the Temple of Kuzco with Mittens), need to get to him ASAP.
Druss has Hunter's Marked the third entity, and follows at about 150ft. The person is just circling the city in different routes, trying to shake any tails. Eventually Druss loses the target, but is then confronted by another person. A familiar face looks out at him from under a hood, Danarei, who tells him the bad Undertow is now being called the Othertoe (externally, they still call themselves Undertow). They shipped Mikey out of the Temple on some transport, fuck! Dani is going to make her way to Davenport eventually, but is derailed by our shenanigans. She (and Co.) are based out of a tailor's shop downtown. No skyships have come into town, of which she is aware.
Back to the group at Madame Curie's, we've got Mr. Big restrained, and he is being a dick, so Melfine knocks him out for an hour. After he's awoken, Yun sets the chair and dude on fire! Oh wait, it's not real, just Major Image. Marda removes the gag, and Mr. Big goes for a headbutt, but misses. He had demanded water and that we call his boss so that they can kill us all. After the headbutt, Melfine replaces the gag. Yun's questions: Where is base? Underground, beneath the levies, they relocate when the waters are high. Who is boss? Stronger than we can imagine. Mr. Big moniker is for large cock. Glean that he probably hasn't interacted with the actual boss much. Yun casts Silence and Melfine goes to cut off Mr. Big's cock and balls. Druss walks into the room, in the total silence, followed after by Dani. He taps Melfine on the shoulder, disrupting her action, while Dani poses in the doorway. This is the first time Yun or I has met her. Druss lets me know that Mikey was pulled from the Temple and is en route to the bad guys' base. As soon as I have that info, I bust Mr. Big's kneecaps into paste. He's dying for this.
Melfine Messages Bellia on the airship to see what's up, and they're still a week out because of bad skies. Then she walks back in and sees a dead body. Using Zone of Truth and Speak with Dead, Melfine questions:
1. How many are there in the base? We are legion.
2. Is there a password and if so what is it? Of course, and it's Suck My Dick.
3. How many entrances are there? One, through his asshole.
4. Are there any traps? Hundreds.
5. Any prisoners? None, just "livestock" (slaves?).
Dani helpfully mentions the bog as a place where can dispose of the body, and uses some bait to draw gators to the body. Melfine Messages Max, learning he and Leona went sightseeing, saw the bloody mess we left, and says the egg is more active. Dani gives some advice for staying in this seedy place and fucks off.
Yun and Marda are on first watch. A small family of Kenku are seen travelling through the forest. Second shift is me, and Yun lets me know about those Kenku. (PER -17) Don't see the Kenku, light rain begins, front door doesn't seem too active. Third watch is Druss. He wakes up Melfine, saying he needs to go back to the Three Rivers and asks to borrow Spike. He'll be back once the storm is done. Melfine assumes the watch and Druss leaves. As he gets outside, the first lightning strikes roll in and he picks up the pace. He gets to the Inn and hears a yelp, probably from Leona. He knocks on their door, and is greeted by armed Max and Leona. The egg is visible and shifting about vigorously. More chirping is coming from the egg with each lightning strike, then the cracks start to appear in the shell. Eventually Druss' baby girl emerges. He names her "Listens to Lightning" AKA Tuli and they pass the storm and the night curled up together.
Dawn comes, and we awake to Druss being gone. Melfine fills us in on his departure and circumstances. Druss sends a messenger rabbitfolk with the news of the birth, and instructions that we should do the scouting and he'll join us later tonight, around 7:30. Dani arrives with coffee and breakfast sandwiches. She learned about several access points for maintenance in the levies. From tracking supplies and such, they probably don't have more than 12 prisoners. Common phrases she's been hearing: the moon is high, the tide is low, the pigs are herded, the boars are loose. Pigs = guards, first two lines are access point clues. We probably want to get over there about 2:30PM. We go exploring and split into battle units. Dani takes me and Melfine, while Yun and Marda are the other. (INS - 14) Yun is hand-signalling when workers enter, and we clock that some of the workers are not city employees. We figure out that the fakers are coming in watch cycles, about 2 hours apart. Over the ~6 hours we're there, we do see some repeat faces. Based on the patterns and repeat faces, there is probably at least one other entrance. Yun stealths in following a person (d100 - 75), seeing a person show ID and saying "the moon is high" and the guard tells them third tunnel. Next Yun sees a normie go to tunnel one. The third person swings the door open, revealing he is a big burly person that we'd seen on the routes. This person uses "the tide is low" phrase and is told fourth tunnel. Yun does a vibe check (19) and uses the fourth tunnel door closing to cover their sounds of escape. Yun comes back to report to us. Then we head back to Madame Curie's sans Dani. Druss comes back from Daddy Time and we all catch up with everything. Helen psychically blasts us all an image of the baby. Melfine is questioning me about Mikey so that she can Scry his location. Mikey is about shin deep in water, that burly asshole is there, and there are like 10 people tied up. The boss is coming with the ship from Davenport. They're taking the good ones from Davenport to Terry Town. They need to expand, stronger casters, continued efforts, where is Mr. Big?, what do you mean a dragonborn? (End of overheard convo). Back in our room, there is a knock on the door, and it's a sad, dirty urchin with a note for us. Druss takes it and illusory script appears. From Dani: working on the badge, the Garfunkel is spotted but not in dock yet. Yun shifts into Mr. Big and has a wardrobe change.
We're going in live, with everyone being under Invisibility except Yun who is carrying Spellen. (STE - 19) Yun is trying to intimidate the guard with the ass-whooped appearance. We move on in to a completely black tunnel (so dark that darkvision doesn't help). After 20-30 minutes, we start to see the soft lighting and hear the water sounds of the cavern Melfine had Scryed. (STE - 10, used all my INSP and +d6 to get there -_-) We are trying to move through the water without splashing the water all over the place. Melfine lets us know that we're making too much noise. Add d10 to the roll, now a 16. "Mr. Big" rounds the corner and everyone spots him. 5 enemies in sight. Burly asshole is here, a Tabaxi, a Tiefling, and two humans. One of the humans is the speaker for the group. As soon as I spot Mikey submerged in the back, I head towards him. They were going to send Mikey and others "back to the Academy" on the ship the boss is coming on. Yun and the speaker kinda get into it for a second, then hug it out because marriage is special, then Yun gives them the rest of the day off using Suggestion. A sphere of fire erupts in front of me above Mikey, roll into initiative.
We finish off the group, keeping the Tiefling alive for later, and then hear splashing footsteps coming down the tunnel.
INSP Inventory: *cobwebs*