The Plague of Apathy by Meryll | World Anvil

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25th of August 1349

The Plague of Apathy

by Meryll

Everything that happened today could have been avoided if people actually gave a solitary fuck about anything.
-Old man made some rotten kids, but seemed to prefer sittin' on his ass to actually dealing with them.
-The rotten kid then built a factory, which destroyed some people's jobs, and made the air so awful that the halfling's family died.
-Halfling got in league with some guy who didn't give a fuck about anyone and seemed quite happy to watch countless fuckin' people die.
-Old man knows about all this shit but doesn't seem to give a fuck.
All this leads to a plague on the plantation, a dead kid, and Sanna having to die saving the place.
Bo ain't handling it well. I didn't know Sanna too well but what's really hurting is watching the people left behind.
Loss makes folks do bad shit. I proved that a long ass time ago. I ain't exactly gonna walk away here, but Bo won't be wanting to hear about this shit from me since we barely know eachother. He'll need Grim to get him through this one. Grim is dealin' with it at his own pace, which hopefully is helping him too.
I know that Bo wants to make the old man pay for what he caused, but I think that the honor of that goes to the folks who live here. They've earned it far more than us.
Something tough about working with Bo is that I see a lot of myself in him. The parts that I've worked through, and the parts that I never wanted to see again. Every day that goes by I find myself wondering if I'm really doin' this thing right.
It was a lot easier with Celia there.
She never settled for anything less than certainty.

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  3. The Plague of Apathy
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