Shit Outta Luck by Meryll | World Anvil

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24th of August, 1349

Shit Outta Luck

by Meryll

Ran into an unlikely guy today. Little Kenku fella' that I'd been told to keep an eye out for. Grim was his name, seems like a chill guy to be honest. People he's travelling with seem a bit uptight, but I was willing to look past that since that Grim guy didn't seem to mind them.
They look like a weird mixture of folks. We've got a big tabaxi with a metal arm and a missing leg who tries to be as small as possible, floating around on a broom. Bo's his name.
When I asked Grim if he was the guy I was lookin' for Bo tried to speak for him and say no. Didn't really work since I tend not to listen to folks that I ain't talkin' to.
Next up we have Sanna. Initially she was a woman of few words. Didn't really do much to cause me not to trust her. Kinda wish she had to be honest. It'd mean I wouldn't be writing this.
They were lookin' for someone to help them out so I was down for that. I need the cash, and also getting a ride to Vulcrom or something would be good. (Though at this stage I'm already having second thoughts.) Apparently some stirges are being a problem some where and some guy has gone missing. Seems like an interesting job.
Talos worshippers showed up. Sailing their massive ass ark over to us and offering us a chance to get involved in a fight to the death. Simple arena shit. Classic stuff, which is always an interesting thing to watch. Though, I wouldn't know about the quality of this performance since I'm sailing on a boring ship. I understand that what the captain says goes, but personally I always let my crew make a case for something I don't wanna do. In this case I don't really trust her not to sail the fuck off the second I'm on the deck of that ship.
Guy who runs the plantation is a fuckhead.
Fuckin' lord there are some huge insects in this place. The missing kid is dead. Figured as much. People who go missing rarely wind up alive at the end.
Found a half-dead halfling at the end of some tracks that led from the dead kid. Bo instantly drew his weapon on him. This guy jumps to conclusions pretty quick. Too quick. It's one thing to think someone did something, but to judge them as guilty based on nothing but some piecemeal evidence that could mean a shit-tonne of other things is a whole other thing. For someone who cries about how people's lives are worth something he sure seems quick to threaten them.
Captain chewed me out for defending the half-deadling which was an interesting experience. Someone who offered no solution getting mad at me for trying to do an investigation correctly. Laughable really. If these fuckers are the ones dealing with the woes of the world then we're all done for.
Jumping to conclusions is dangerous. Even though the dude did wind up involved. It's not uncommon for misguided folks to wind up doing bad shit. I know that better than most.
In other news. 'Rora met these folks at some stage. I ain't heard anything about her in a long time, so this was odd. Seems like she's gotten into some bad business. Making deals with evil horses and getting fire powers from evil ants makes for an odd development. I don't really like what I'm hearing so far. She needs some sense knocking into her, and I'm gonna get around to that.
I hope that she's doin' alright though.
Dad would know what to do. I sure as fuck don't.

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