Second Chances by Meryll | World Anvil

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Mon 23rd Nov 2020 06:34

Second Chances

by Meryll

I like to think that I'm reasonable 90% of the time. Y'see, the way I look at things is that I should offer people another shot at life, classic second chance stuff, but if they then throw that back in my face then they've not only wasted their chance but they've personally insulted me. Not a fan of being insulted, but it's worth the risk most of the time.
This brings me to today. Rex sent some goons after me. Not his own though, some random fucking guys off the street who couldn't tell their arses from their elbows if they had a fucking map. Incompetance on a massive scale to be honest. Some poor fucker fell flat on his face because of a little snow.
Either way, one of the goons decided to set me on fire.
Now my relationship with fire is strained at the best of times. My face carries the memories of what fire can do, and my memories are filled with the turmoil that it put me through. I put it aside though, merely knocked the guy out. I was being kind. I let the guy who fell over go, and I gave him some cash to make up for his bad run. Not enough to substitute all the people that he lost when Astris and Bo killed them, but something to hopefully ensure that he doesn't do this dumb shit again. Fire boy though, I needed more info from him. I woke him up and I asked my question, the beginning of his second chance. His answer, 'Your mum'. The wrong answer. Y'see I like to use this saying, it's a good comeback, and I'll accept it coming back to me from most people. Not this guy. Not a person who lit me ablaze, someone that doesn't get to invoke the memory of someone I lost to flames. That doesn't happen and I made that clear. He flagrantly ignored the warning. Stayed cocky until the end. Not that I killed him, mind you. He's still standing. I held back. He'll have little choice but to leave town. If he doesn't then he'll perish for certain, but at this stage I feel that his third chance should be a little more challenging.
Makes sense to me.
Not to Astris. He seems to think that not taking an affront to my dead mother lightly makes me a hypocrite. Selective blindness is a hell of a thing. Helped a guy a minute or two beforehand, gave him cash make up for the lack of payday he'd recieve. Told him to make sure that other people knew not to attempt the same stupid thing, so that they could live happy lives. Offered guy 2 a second shot.
Meanwhile he moved the corpses of the ones that he had killed out of the way so that they wouldn't disrupt foot traffic.
Sometimes I wanna scream, but if I did then Bo would just grab my face until I stopped. Maybe I should start doing that to him when he's being tormented by Madame, oh wait no I actually make sure that his boundries are respected.
Caring less now.
I pray that Pharasma had a better plan for you than getting insulted by a pyromaniac, mum. (I won't let the others know that I'm praying though or I'll get asked why bad things happen again)

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  9. Just like old times.
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  10. Old Acquaintances and New Accusations
  11. Misconceptions and Harsh Receptions
  12. A Night on The Town
  13. Second Chances