Well then. by Teela Whitepaw | World Anvil

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16th of Peryo, 3326 DS

Well then.

by Teela Whitepaw

Kavvy...Kavvy isn't dead. She...She's alive? But...
Kavvy isn't Kavvy anymore. You see...the gods...well. They're not gods anymore. Kavvy isn't a Goddess anymore. She's...just as mortal as i am.
i don't really understand a lot of what happened, it was all kind of a blur, but apparently she was inside of me? Or something? And then we were attacked by That Bitch and she just kind of...stepped out of me? And then there was a big fight with ALL of the gods? And...
i don't know. They used up their divine sparks, or something, to...create a brief connection to that side. And the Other Gods...using the sparks...rebuffed Auriel.
And now we're in a desert temple. Doing gods know what kind of nonsensical bullshit that Yarvin-who-is-now-Jeremy decided was a ~super great fun idea~ back when he decided to hide the chisel - which i will grant is a great idea! But for the love of the gods this nonsense is RIDICULOUS!!!!
At least we saved the family who were trapped as the sphinxes.
Oh. Also we found Melodias. ...And Lynos, i guess. Lynos is dead. Melodias isn't. Melodias led us here.
i have sand in places i don't even want to talk about.

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  1. Teela's first journal entry!
    16th of Ivik, 3324 DS
  2. Travel
    3rd of Peryo, 3326 DS
  3. Well then.
    16th of Peryo, 3326 DS
  4. These motherfuckers
    20th of Peryo, 3326 DS