Teela's first journal entry! by Teela Whitepaw | World Anvil

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16th of Ivik, 3324 DS

Teela's first journal entry!

by Teela Whitepaw

Teela (Given name Whitepaw, Family name unknown at this time to even Teela, for she is an orphan, swoon~!) has entrenched herself with this current band of misfits on the advice of her Goddess, Kavexa, against the advice of her patron, The Fiend, aka Aerthar, The Defiler - later It decided that this group was good enough for her (and It) to use. Teela has come to love this group as a family - even though she knows just how dangerous that can be for a street child. Kavexa is one of Teela's oldest and closest friends, from the time Teela was a wee bab Kavvy (the nickname Teela gave Kavexa when she was very young, because Kavexa is a big word for a little child to say!) helped mold and teach Teela the ways of her people, the ways of the world, and the ways of Kavexa herself. A lot of this knowledge even Kavexa's highest priests do not know! (Kavvy's favorite food is cheese! Shhh don't tell anyone!) When Teela made her pact with Aerthar, Kavexa was quite cross with her, but Teela felt it was better for the needs of the many, not knowing or realizing JUST HOW MESSED UP THIS THING IS - like seriously, Aerthar is bad news slugbears, don't mess with It, because It yells a lot and sounds really creepy. And is really powerful. Scarily powerful. Teela really hopes that Kavvy isn't still cross with her over it...
Teela is a soft girl, even though she likes to put on a strong front, she's a very scared child on the inside. She likes to pretend she's Kavexa jr. but isn't very good at it, because, well, for one thing, she's not a goddess, and for another thing, she's not as pretty or brave or strong or amazing or wonderful or...yea. None of that stuff! But that's ok! Because Kavvy is awesome! Teela is strong enough!
Her main goals right now are to:

  1. Find her necklace! She's not really sure what's so important about it, but it's really important to her, even Kavvy says it's important, so it must be important. It's really pretty and gives her a warm feeling in her chest so...She has to find it!

  2. Protect her Very Important List Of Very Important People That Need Protecting From Everything Forever! It's not a long list, per se, but it's long enough. Kavvy, of course, is like first on the list. Then the group is on the list too. Teela's 'family' that she isn't even sure exists anymore is sort of on there but down towards the bottom because, well, it's hard to care about people you don't even know or remember!

  3. Save the world! Like some kind of superhero or something. Ya know. Like they tell the kids. Teela heard about those sometimes when she was younger. And there's a lot of bad shit going on right now so...somebody's gotta do it!

  4. Aerthar??? Not sure what to do about that thing. But fill the contract, be done with It, and maybe...It'll go away...? That's the hope.

And thus is the life of Teela! For now~!
Subscript: Teela regretted writing this in the morning after her hangover.

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  1. Teela's first journal entry!
    16th of Ivik, 3324 DS
  2. Travel
    3rd of Peryo, 3326 DS
  3. Well then.
    16th of Peryo, 3326 DS
  4. These motherfuckers
    20th of Peryo, 3326 DS