Travel by Teela Whitepaw | World Anvil

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3rd of Peryo, 3326 DS


by Teela Whitepaw

Kavvy is dead
We're traveling, to Muerth.
Kavvy is dead
We were going to go straight south, but it seems that the remnants of the Farrans have decided that they want to be shitlords and are attempting to...
Kavvy is dead Kavvy is dead Kavvy is dead

Kavvy is dead

Kavvy. my Goddess. my Best Friend. Died. Saving my life. Pulling That Thing out of me. Aerthar. Ripping it out of me, fighting it, and killing it...and herself. She died. She is dead. i watched it. i have her ashes...her ashes mixed with Its ashes. As soon as i can, i will be adding her to my necklace. i will recreate the...Fang. It dissolved...when she died. It fell apart. i will recreate it. i will create a locket with her ashes in it. i will hold her dear to my heart always.
That Bitch Auriel tries to torment me with dreams of Kavvy, locked away in a frozen cage, crying at me, yelling at me, angry at me - but i know that's not her. It cannot be her. Because Kavvy would never act, talk, or be like that in the face of torment, even if it was eternal torment.
Buck Up, Claws Out. i'm coming for you Auriel. You're not going to like it when your friends come back to play.

Continue reading...

  1. Teela's first journal entry!
    16th of Ivik, 3324 DS
  2. Travel
    3rd of Peryo, 3326 DS
  3. Well then.
    16th of Peryo, 3326 DS
  4. These motherfuckers
    20th of Peryo, 3326 DS