Leaving Yonara by Robin | World Anvil

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17th of Gusterus, 130 F.E.

Leaving Yonara

by Priestess Robin Weiss

Today, my companions and I are leaving from Yonara. Much has happened during our brief time in this town. I have reunited with a dear friend, I have made others, and I have made a wondrous magical revelation. Yet, as I write these things, I find it difficult to find the words to adequately describe much of what has transpired in the last two days. I suppose a good start would be to explain what happened with Missus Hillvar.
Ulrich proposed a partnership between Missus Hillvar and Mister Grapeswalle in which they would jointly supply funding to the construction of the Mother Sun church. In return, Missus Hillvar would gain ownership of the land upon which her home is built and the church would be built elsewhere in town. Ultimately, we selected a spot which was adjacent to the town hall. Missus Hillvar will not only spend less gold in this endeavor than she would by continuing with her previous arrangement, she will also gain some level of prestige, as well as independence.
I have some private misgivings about the arrangement. I would have liked to work to correct the ways in which Missus Hillvar has been wronged, that it might help protect others from similar mistakes being made in the future. However, I deferred to Missus Hillvar after presenting the options. I will not decide such an important decision for her. Had we rejected the offer of unity, it would have reflected rather poorly on us. Further, it may have jeopardized the church’s construction. The colony is lacking enough in resources, I could not bear to be responsible for depriving a town of support which ought to benefit the populace.
I said my farewells to Missus Hillvar and her children, as well. I must confess, I was not certain that she and I would get along very well on the outset of our business together, but I feel as though we could be friends in time. At the very least, I feel as though we have come to appreciate our differences.
Today is also the day during which my research has finally borne fruit. I demonstrated the casting of Magic Missive. I had not realized how important the proceedings would be until very recently, however I thankfully have had enough time to carefully consider the message I would send. Of course, the recipient of the first Missive was Sensei. I carefully composed a message that clearly outlined my hopes for the spell going forward, and a call for unity. I hope in time that our spell travels broadly and improves communications through all social classes and disciplines. Perhaps this discovery might even embolden other scholars to make landfall in the colony.
Yet even with all of this excitement, I cannot help but feel some melancholy, for I must leave Ulrich behind yet again. So busy were we both on our projects that we had no opportunity to even bid one another farewell. I know not when I might see him again. We had scarcely had an opportunity to catch up with one another before our reunion has become another parting. I suppose it is prudent for me to push such feelings aside, however, and focus on the matters which face my companions and I in the future.
I wonder also how Sensei fares in Saptagiri. There was much excitement in Yonara after the success of our spell, I wonder if there was a similar fanfare on her end? I attempted to send her a message this evening, but I have yet to receive a response. I think I shall remain vigilant for a while longer, in case one arrives shortly. I doubt I shall be sleeping well tonight anyhow.

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  1. Magic Missive to Dorothea After Completing Light Tower
    5th of Harvestus, 130 F.E.
  2. A Sudden Departure
    28th of Fevrari, 128 F.E.
  3. A Long Road
    29th of Fevrari, 128 F.E.
  4. Artemesia
    1st of Vernari, 128 F.E.
  5. Letter from Artemesia to Bishop Dorothea Kramer
    1st of Vernari, 128 F.E.
  6. Settling
    2nd of Vernari, 128 F.E.
  7. Audacity
    3rd of Vernari, 128 F.E.
  8. Good Riddance
    8th of Vernari, 128 F.E.
  9. Why?
    12th of Vernari, 128 F.E.
  10. Second Letter from Artemesia to Bishop Dorothea Kramer
    12th of Vernari, 128 F.E.
  11. Burdened
    17th of Vernari, 128 F.E.
  12. Toil
    25th of Vernari, 128 F.E.
  13. Beast
    29th of Vernari, 128 F.E.
  14. Brightness
    1st of Apreri, 128 F.E.
  15. Company
    2nd of Apreri, 128 F.E.
  16. Concerning Ulrich
    4th of Apreri, 128 F.E.
  17. Third Letter from Artemesia to Bishop Dorothea Kramer
    5th of Apreri, 128 F.E.
  18. Reconciliation
    17th of Apreri, 128 F.E.
  19. Progress
    20th of Apreri, 128 F.E.
  20. Eureka
    30th of Apreri, 128 F.E.
  21. Goodbye
    2nd of Mavius, 128 F.E.
  22. Racket
    5th of Mavius, 128 F.E.
  23. Peschaniko
    28th of Apreri, 130 F.E.
  24. Alone
    29th of Apreri, 130 F.E.
  25. Addendum
    29th of Apreri, 130 F.E.
  26. Arsday on the Ocean
    5th of Mavius, 130 F.E.
  27. Storms at Sea
    10th of Juneus, 130 F.E.
  28. Reflection
    29th of Zhenus, 130 F.E.
  29. Letter to Bishop Dorothea Kramer
    1st of Gusterus, 130 F.E.
  30. Alluminos
    2nd of Gusterus, 130 F.E.
  31. Resolution
    3rd of Gusterus, 130 F.E.
  32. Settling
    4th of Gusterus, 130 F.E.
  33. The Sun Sets on Alluminos
    5th of Gusterus, 130 F.E.
  34. Travel
    6th of Gusterus, 130 F.E.
  35. Disquiet
    7th of Gusterus, 130 F.E.
  36. Bend River
    8th of Gusterus, 130 F.E.
  37. Investigation
    9th of Gusterus, 130 F.E.
  38. Remember
    10th of Gusterus, 130 F.E.
  39. Yonara
    13th of Gusterus, 130 F.E.
  40. Business in Yonara
    14th of Gusterus, 130 F.E.
  41. Reunion
    15th of Gusterus, 130 F.E.
  42. 7/16/130
    16th of Gusterus, 130 F.E.
  43. Leaving Yonara
    17th of Gusterus, 130 F.E.
  44. First Magic Missive to Dorothea Kramer
    17th of Gusterus, 130 F.E.
  45. Stonescast
    18th of Gusterus, 130 F.E.
  46. Faircaster
    19th of Gusterus, 130 F.E.
  47. Second Magic Missive to Dorothea Kramer
    22nd of Gusterus, 130 F.E.
  48. Third Magic Missive to Dorothea Kramer
    24th of Gusterus, 130 F.E.
  49. Pain
    30th of Gusterus, 130 F.E.
  50. Undying
    1st of Harvestus, 130 F.E.
  51. A painting made while imprisoned by Sharo'ka
    1st of Harvestus, 130 F.E.